Alligators’ Way Of Life Is Inherently Incompatible With Western Society

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Wake up, America.

How many more innocent civilians’ lives need to be taken prematurely on our own soil before we finally address the issue? I know it’s not a politically correct stance, but I’m just going to come out and say it — we have an alligator problem in this country.

The liberal media would have you believe this Disney tragedy was the act of a “lone gator” who had a whole set of inner demons forged into him during his own childhood. President Obama has even refused to use the words “radical Crocodilian-ism” or acknowledge the attack on this U.S. citizen at all. But this isn’t about extremism. It never was. Violence in alligators isn’t an anomaly. It’s the norm.

The far left goes out of their way to defend them with things like “Americans are actually the aggressor” because we turn their cousins into a pair of boots or a fried appetizer. But we’re talking about the same barbaric animals that eat their own offspring.

With that type of regard for their kin, how can we expect them to coincide with western society? Their backwards ideology is dated — literally prehistoric — and they’re stuck 37 million years in the past.

Just look at the answers alligators gave to recent surveys on all major current issues. 100 percent of alligators believe gays, transgenders, illegal immigrants, blacks, and Jews should be put to death. Another astounding 100 percent believe the solution to our nation’s social security problem is to devour the elderly.

Let’s call a spade a spade. These are just intolerant, cold-blooded, apex predator assholes whose primal philosophies are inherently incompatible when it comes to peacefully coexisting with humans in our modern world. It’s time for us to stop giving these wretched beasts a free pass and ban them from entering our land.

Image via Youtube

  1. Brother Gumby

    Figuring out what will offend people on this site is truly a game of Russian Roulette isn’t it?

    9 years ago at 4:39 pm
  2. CantHandleTheRandle

    Regester you fat sack of shit, when are you going to finally admit your love for your Dear Comrade Obama?

    9 years ago at 4:42 pm
  3. thevaginator

    So it’s cool if you guys write an article mocking the death of a two year old but we can’t comment on the bitchy intern’s shit articles because she needs a safe space. Got it.

    9 years ago at 5:47 pm
  4. iitz kuehl

    The satire found within this literary work will not be understood by the average peasant

    9 years ago at 9:15 pm
  5. PhlyGuy44

    Your article is bad and you should feel bad. Regardless of my views, this is not only a poor excuse for writing, but about as opportunistic as mainstream media. No one on here cares about your social issues. Show us the tits and booze.

    9 years ago at 11:43 pm
  6. cockslover69

    Why is TFM satirizing its own point of view? This is like something I would read under the “humor” section of NYT.

    9 years ago at 10:58 am