America. Fuck Yeah.

America is the most badass place in the entire fucking world. We have capitalism and free markets. We don’t go to prison for trying to own property or starting a business. We don’t repress our beautiful women and censor their bodies. We don’t get our hands cut off if we get caught with alcohol. Our freedom of speech is unprecedented and we don’t need to worry about the government sentencing us to death for making fun of silly religious prophets like Muham… he who shall not be named.

People give America a lot of shit these days. Poorly understood words get tossed around too easily. Words like socialist, fascist, militant, or tyrannical. I’m sick of hearing from ignorant fucking tards who think that they know everything about politics in America. You know who I’m talking about… those pompous little shit weevils who jump at any chance they get to take a huge dump in your ear. They believe in something gay that they heard on TV or they parrot what daddy told them and it’s their mission in life to explain why you are stupid for believing otherwise. Fuck those people. They don’t know shit.

America is not just a government. Governments are puppet shows designed to amuse the masses. America is not just a country. Countries are powerless formalities, like the Queen of England. Nationhood became extinct with the rise of monstrous multinational corporations and banks. America is not some sort of complicated philosophy that can only be understood by constitutional lawyers or politicians. America is a very simple idea. America is the dream, embraced collectively by all of its citizens, that we can believe in and talk about whatever the fuck we want. If you don’t like it, then we’ll kick your fucking ass.

Most Americans today take their freedoms for granted. They don’t realize that there are places all around the world where the governments actively censor, arrest, and kill people simply for what they believe in. Some places are ruled by massive assholes that use force and coercion to gang rape the perception of the people. They beat the people to their knees and cram a monstrous ideological cock down their throats. They face fuck liberty until everyone chokes on the spooge of propaganda. The people are forced to swallow the load and smile. Free thinkers and spitters are persecuted or killed. There is no alternative. There is only one reality. Take it like a bitch, or die.

I do not believe in a world where people are forced to suck dick, be it literal or metaphorical. In America, we have the most important freedom of all… The Freedom of Choice. We can choose how to live our lives however we see fit. We can choose what dicks we want to suck or we can choose not to suck any dicks at all. If you don’t like Christianity, fine, go be a douchey liberal Buddhist. You can be gay with the trees all you want and no one is going to come kill you for it.

There are countries all around the world that are so terrified of losing control of the population that they repress the three things that hold the greatest power over mankind: Alcohol, Sex, and God. Alcohol is criminal and women are so repressed that they can’t even be seen in public without being wrapped in burkas. No booze, no bikinis, and no Buddha. That culture sucks balls. I don’t know about you, but I like to get wasted. I also like sluts that love to get wasted and do slutty stuff. Any culture that represses female slutiness is inherently evil and should be destroyed. Of course, I’m sure they believe the same about us. Their reaction to Girls Gone Wild is probably the same as ours when we see a bunch of men in turbans burning an American flag.

I’m not advocating that we should invade these countries. That is fucking stupid, mainly because I don’t want to pay for it. We should bring all of our troops home, build a huge wall around America that is patrolled by Skynet, and let the rest of the world go to hell. We don’t need to be meddling in the affairs of other countries. It only costs taxpayers money that we don’t have and creates more pissed off terrorists. If anything, a few of our nuclear ICBMs should ”malfunction” and fire off in that direction. That way, we could turn the entire region into a parking lot for the largest conceivable Wal-Mart.

Its not about religion or politics, its about freedom. A lot of people have an opinion about freedom, but they are too pussy to do anything about it. America fights for that shit. We protect the citizen’s rights to believe whatever the fuck we want. Fuck countries that don’t accept that as a basic human right. God gave us mouths, fuck anyone who censors that. Our people are free to get shit faced drunk and our women are free to act like sluts. Fuck those shitty repressive countries, fuck their shitty religions, and fuck the slut police. If you disagree with that, then fuck you. Real freedom is the freedom to say “Fuck you, everything you believe in is retarded.”

All of our problems are not abroad, however. Often times, we are our own worst enemy. The American “government” should be as small as possible. There should be no welfare, no universal healthcare, no fucking safety net designed to protect the weak. Our capitalist system works because it provides both the freedom to succeed and also the freedom to fail. Failure is natural, its how mother nature weeds out the stupid gay bullshit. It’s called natural selection, you fucking hippies, read a book… specifically read Darwin: the Origin of Species. That shit is the foundation of the theory of evolution. If society is naturally prosperous enough to provide these services for free, then great. But they shouldn’t tax me for that bullshit. If someone is too weak to figure out how to survive without government aid, then in all honesty… fuck them. This shit is real life, the game is simple: survive or die.

I hate to sound like an asshole, but think about the dinosaurs. Without a doubt, they were the most dominant species of life that had evolved at the time. Then a comet hit the Earth… shit happens… They relied on the sun for survival and they couldn’t adapt, which means they sucked at life. Shitty little rat mammals went underground and we all evolved from that shit. Think about it, without a freak disaster that killed off all the giant reptiles, we wouldn’t exist today. That’s how life works… it’s a dick. Evolution doesn’t give a shit about your problems and it has been around for way longer than humans. One minute you’re chillin, the next minute everything changes and your entire pathetic species is wiped out. It is arrogance of the highest caliber to think that we are somehow better than an ancient process that is billions of years old. We’ve got to let our dinosaurs die. People and institutions that are inferior need to be allowed to die. The freedom to fail is just as important as the freedom to succeed. Capitalism without failure is like Catholicism without altar boys to molest. It just doesn’t work. Capitalism isn’t great, I’ll be the first to say that… but it’s the best we’ve got.

In light of these facts, we’ve got to let inferior organisms fail. That is true freedom… the freedom to suck and die. If we spend tax payer dollars supporting inferior people and institutions, then we are degrading the fitness of our entire species. That is why bailing out big banks is fucking retarded. They fucked up… let them crash and burn. That’s what life is about. It rewards innovation and punishes retardation. The only things my taxpayer money should go towards is providing water that I can drink, water that flushes away my poop, and billions of dollars to make death machines that protect my freedom to say “Fuck You.” All else is simply the deceptions of dinosaurs trying to avoid extinction. America is the future, America is a way of life, and if the American economy fucks up because corporate bankers are greedy assholes, then my American made assault rifle is all I need.

Although American materialism might be a fad that has come of age, freedom is eternal and it will rise again from the ashes, as it always has… It is up to each and every one of us to determine the future of freedom and of America. America has many downfalls, but it’s the best shot at freedom we’ve had since the dawn of civilization. It’s not about puppet politicians and corporate catch phrases… It’s about freedom, goddamnit, and I am not afraid to speak.

If you repressed motherfuckers have a problem with what I believe, then come and get me. This is America and I am free, so you can eat shit. I can say whatever I want and I choose to say Fuck You! Come get me you little bitches. Good luck getting past the border guards that shoot brainwashed assholes like you on sight. Good luck getting through the aircraft carriers that have quarantined your entire shitty country from the rest of the world. Good luck making it past the TSA, who have wet dreams about tearing open terrorist sphincters like yours and playing hopscotch inside. And if you make it past all those insurmountable protections of freedom, then you can find me in my house, waiting for you with a glass full of whiskey and a bullet with your name on it.

America. Fuck Yeah.

Follow me on Twitter @RageTheory

  1. General Fratmoreland

    Got to the part about the Church then stopped. The Catholic jokes are gettin’ worn out folks… regardless, all you really needed to say was “America is about freedom, and the rewards/consequences that follow from your free choices. Many other countries don’t offer that, hence their slow, painful decay.”

    13 years ago at 9:25 pm
  2. Karl Rove

    America isn’t free anymore, unless you consider a socialist corporatist country (read: not capitalist) with what’s turning back into a caste system that also holds 25% of the incarcerated population of the world free, then fuck yeah! FREEDOM!!!! That being said, I fucking love this country because I’m allowed to point out these flaws and every few years I get to vote to change what I don’t like.

    13 years ago at 8:29 am
  3. voipeng

    …Speaking of America Fuck yeah…This seems like the right place for this.

    I have a plan that saves many, many, many lives (especially children) tied to Cannabis cancer cure (have PhD documents, Patents, survivors, World proven studies in 100s if not 1000s, etc.). A plan that starts to deviate away from cancer causing radiation that led to 16 years of immense suffering and ended with a softball sized tumor in my Stepmoms skull, fighting for space with her fragile brain and instead promotes painless, appetite increasing, cancer cell killing Cannabis oil and WIDE ARRAY of Cannabis products bought and sold at appropriate Medical price points, mass distribution ships to starting with ALL hospitals across the United States of America. All 50 States have been Federally made legal for Medicinal Cannabis, added to a Spending Bill, thanks to U.S. Congress. Take the 200 Billion dollar a year cancer industry and GROW it to a TRILLION dollar a year Corporation.

    Guess what? In doing the above piece, kicks off another Trillion recurring due to saving lives, living longer, economic benefits all over the board. Everybody wins. Trillions Train is passing by. Let’s help children specifically get out of hospital beds and put them on their bicycles and NEVER, EVER, EVER coffins. I pray to God I never see another child in one like I did for my 5 year old cousin and next door neighbor I played with every day until he started getting real sick, then passed away.

    Both may still be alive today. Looking forward, never back. Focus on saving lives, especially children.

    A plan that also includes ending unnecessary violence across many geographic regions in creating a SUPERCORPORATION potentially Trillion dollar a year SuperCorporation in Mexico…formally Cartels migrated towards Corporate NASDAQ assets. A new crown jewel for Mexico in terms of a tax revenue machine like no other. Big T Corporation does not understand violence. Big T Corporation understands Bentley, Mercedes, Farrari, Lamborghini and would be the parking garage employee automobiles. Big T Corporation will roll out the red carpet in terms of luxury with a MASSIVE complex, tennis courts, basketball courts, hot tubs, steam rooms, arcade games, ice cream machines in general game area emphasizing violence / gun free and children for ice cream as all products will be secured behind badge entry seperate multiple doorways, pool tables, ping pong tables, Foosball tables, shoe shine, back massages, scientific professional clean / sterile equipement, large Labs, new computers, printers, Conference rooms, shipping departments with appropriate packaging materials / boxes, using major shipping Carrirers known today. Internet and phone sales in Call Center. Catered breakfast, lunch & dinner. Every day. Restaurants.

    The other piece of this is related to the #1 consumer of “illegal” drugs IN THE WORLD. Brace yourselves. Legalize IT ALL. Let the State regulate IT ALL. Take it out of the hands of children with ID checks. End deals in streets…gone bad. End fake outs. Tax IT ALL at 500% -> 1000%. Trillions train is passing by. Border Patrol in Texas for example is risking their lives daily trying to stop an inflow of some of the highest in demand products in the world, as an example the same ones are pouring in California. Release for NON-VIOLENT “drug” offenders deemed appropriate. Police are not babysitters. Police have important work to do in terms of helping to prevent a rape or murder BEFORE it occurs, being awarded a metal of honor for doing so.

    Also a plan that includes “Cap & Grow” Nuclear industry. GROWING, never taking away jobs or revenue as that may be considered terrorist behavior in the United States of America and something I simply will never, cannot and will not support. Basically allowing for current revenue and production use of current Nuclear but capping building more and instead kick off a recurring Trillion(s) in moving towards renewable energy mainly to provide a redundancy to current power limitations. Envisioning at least a small power generating windmill and solar panels on every rooftop of every home and building across America. When a building goes dark from power outage, the Corporation(s) lose BIG BUCKS potentially in terms of hundreds of thousands to millions, possibly higher in productivity loss. This should NEVER happen. It is far cheaper in the long run to implement power generating windmills and solar on every building window in case of primary power loss. In Engineering relating to Servers, Telecom or other mission critical applications, dual if not triple, quadruple or even higher redundancy methods are in place but not for something as critical as power. There is a MASSIVE manufacturing effort, sales efforts and call for production of such renewable energy windmills and solar panels. Also installation and support would be critical.

    All of these items listed only support JOB CREATION & GROWTH at a phenomenal level. We are talking about if this gets rolling…up to half a dozen NEW, TRILLIONS being kicked up, recurring.

    I cannot do this alone. Cannabis laws are in effect “green” for Medical. Other laws obviously are not. This is a fucking shit ton of work efforts requiring a shitload of people and a great deal of changes. Some may not agree with the changes. Fuck em. Change is good when it allows for driving Lamborghinis and Farraris. Change is good when Million dollar yellow school buses are driving around. Change is good when Police have 5 supercars to choose from, starting their day off right with that decision and leaving for the day with a smile. When the Police are happy…everyone is happy. Double their salaries. Triple the Chiefs. Quadruple the Judges. Change is good. LED ROADWAYS across America. Change kicks fucking a$$.

    As kind of a fun one…given we live in North Dallas Texas region, propose building an upper 45, at least 16 lanes wide, 100+mph LED roadway straight shot Dallas to Houston that would allow for a 200mph supercar to travel from Dallas to Houston or visa versa in a little over an hour and look sweet as fuck. Ideally put up 500 Million to Texas to provide incentive. Total cost of project would help determine if in ballpark.

    8 years ago at 12:44 am