America Takes In The World Cup: Scenes From Giant Watch Parties Around The Country Today

Screen Shot 2014-06-26 at 2.10.51 PM

These are some pretty awesome sites to take in, especially for a country who allegedly isn’t crazy about the game. But on a stage like this, when the entire world is watching, you have to be a soulless asshole not to get excited about the United States taking on Germany in a World Cup game to advance to the Round of 16. Actually, even soulless assholes were excited for this one.

We’re doing it again Tuesday.


Images via Twitter

      1. Dillon Cheverere

        Yeah, because running every image through google image just in case one might have been used before is a brilliantly efficient way of operating a content site that posts hundreds of images a day.

        11 years ago at 2:44 pm
      2. Its_Fraturday

        Pro tip Dorno: if you right click any image in Chrome, there is a “search google for this image” option. I nominate myself for new TFM Tech Guy.

        11 years ago at 2:49 pm
    1. PhiGam19

      That can’t be from the Blackhawks parade because those jerseys the fans are wearing just came out a couple months ago.

      11 years ago at 5:05 pm