American Icons: Scott Disick


In our latest edition of AI, we’re profiling a young man who thrust himself into the American spotlight with his outrageous antics, his domineering demeanor, his utter disregard for a dollar, and most notably, his almost over-the-top dapper sense of style. He vacations in the Hamptons, works deals in New York City, and raises the continent’s sharpest dressed 2-year-old on the West Coast. He’s Scott Disick, and he’s an American Icon.

Disick found fame from reality television and his relationship with a Kardashian. This was merely a “foot in the door” scenario though, because when America caught a peek at the man behind the power slick and the yachting-meets-business attire, he stole the show. Throw in his son who looks to not just approach, but trump Dad’s sense of style and dominance acumen, and Disick is shoo-in for legendary status. He has his dissenters, however. They point to and shudder at a quality of his that I actually admire, and that’s his pompous, arrogant point of view on life. And some will claim Disick’s name is well-known because of the Kardashian family. “He wouldn’t have his fame and fortune without Kourtney Kardashian,” they say. Nonsense. First of all, he comes from an affluent background. More importantly, though, his multiple business endeavors have proven to be fruitful. And back to the point of his arrogance, he’ll tell you about his business prowess.

“You need to understand. I may be a douche to some people, but I actually do run companies. I make a lot of money, and I’m more than capable of supporting myself. I run multiple companies.” – Scott Disick

On April 23, 2012, he celebrated the opening of his new restaurant, RYU, in New York City.

The Piano

One sunny afternoon in New York City, Disick was strolling along the streets donning a suit that a modern day Bear Bryant would be proud of, engaging in casual conversation when something caught his keenly-attuned eye for all things wealthy. It was a $1.5 million Steinway & Sons grand piano, a piano designed to appeal to a man of sophisticated taste. It worked. Disick walked inside, chummed it up with the sales rep, and 5 minutes later became a proud owner. He didn’t go with the piece from the window, but he did purchase a baby grand Steinway piano, and he did it on a whim. “Put it on the black card,” Disick said. And she did. The last impulse buy I made was a $120 Tommy Bahama retirement fratter button-down I saw after leaving a Vegas casino at 2:00 in the morning, and I woke up with buyer’s remorse. To further illustrate the nonchalant nature of this impulse purchase, Scott has no idea how to play a piano, and apparently has no intention of learning either.

The Restaurant Incident

This next moment in Disick’s journey to icon status, and notch in his thousand-dollar belt, is one he is not proud of. To set the scene, one must understand that Scott has a borderline unhealthy admiration for alcohol, and he has a strong case of drunk asshole disorder. Scott, along with the entire Kardashian family, was in Vegas dining at an upscale restaurant. Disick was cut off at the request of his girlfriend’s mother after partaking a little too much in America’s other favorite pastime. Infuriated, he approached his flamboyant server in an attempt to turn the alcohol meter back on, if you will. Facing resistance from the waiter, who was unfortunately put in a lose-lose situation, Disick shoves a $100 bill in his mouth in an overt display of supremacy. The scene quickly turned chaotic and the episode eventually led to Scott’s decision to take a break from the sauce. I’m happy to report he jumped off the wagon, though. As regretful as the action was for Disick, it revealed his nature as an alpha, an alpha who expects things his way.

The most defining aspect of Disick’s personality and rightful place as an American icon is the manner in which he presents himself. From the slickback to his loud, colorful suits, to his casual yachting, sweater-over-the-shoulder get-ups, to his strolling cane, he epitomizes the antithesis to the repulsive styles of the modern generation. Luckily, he’s passing the torch on to his son, and we will have the honor of witnessing the Disick legacy live on for years to come.

American Icons 2030: Mason Disick

  1. FratMee

    This prick didn’t even go to college. What the fuck was the point of this column.

    12 years ago at 7:59 pm
    1. Sigma Fly

      Second, there is nothing TFM about a GDI, If this is what TFM is coming to then that lesbian Justin Bieber is a TFM.

      12 years ago at 8:07 am
    1. Hsc_guy

      No Dorn, responding to people like him and other trolls is ruining the site. Fuck trolls

      12 years ago at 11:57 pm
  2. TheSouthFratsHard

    Strong pride in ones state and country, golden retrievers, bowties, golf, horse racing, college football, old money, gentleman, proper manners, historical cities (Savannah and Charleston are the frattiest cities and both are in the South) and beautiful girls.
    ^All these things are the basis for the fraternity life.
    All these things are more associated with the South than the North.
    Conversation over.

    12 years ago at 7:18 am
    1. yourfavgeed

      South Carolina is responsible for Andy DIck.
      Conversation restarted.
      (and settle down with the caffeine this early, big guy- your Little Brother complex is showing)

      12 years ago at 8:15 am
  3. Frat Seizure_1890

    I’m gonna go ahead and be that douche that says any man who treats his wife as shittily as he treats his is a fucking fuck in my book

    12 years ago at 9:25 am
  4. bighoss25

    American locations such as Fairfield County, Connecticut, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Westchester County, New York, Hampton, NY Long Island’s Gold Coast, the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Boston’s Back Bay and Beacon Hill, Weston, MA, Newport, RI, and Philadelphia’s Main Line are associated with old money. Ironically, these areas’ inhabitants that are colloquially described as “old money” are almost always descendants of the people the term “nouveau riche” (new money) was originally coined to describe: nineteenth century industrialists, bankers, and builders. Traditionally, wealth was associated with landowning and these Gilded Age fortunes made money in a new way, hence the term new money. Edith Wharton, among Gilded Age America’s greatest chroniclers, referred to industrialists and their ilk as “brazen new money”. All in north

    12 years ago at 2:03 pm
  5. bighoss25

    I don’t. I copied and pasted that from wikipedia. Should have cited my sources, that would have been more frat.

    12 years ago at 3:54 pm
    1. bighoss25

      Having mirrors all the way around your bedroom so you could watch yourself fuck. TFTC

      12 years ago at 11:52 pm
  6. sperryville

    Did he even join a fraternity or is this column just Dorn trying to justify an obsession with shitty reality T.V. shows?

    12 years ago at 6:17 am