American Judoka Goes 2-1 at Olympics While Stoned

For an Olympian, the brief span of one’s time in the Olympic Village is probably the best time of his or her life. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s an area flooded with incredibly hot, fit, and flexible athletes where no-strings-attached nights is not only acceptable for all, it’s expected. All this while basking in the international spotlight during the day. It is no surprise, then, that some Olympians really love to party while in the village.

Recently featured in TFM’s photo section, Nicholas Delpopolo was busted for a failed drug test. Delpopolo wasn’t trying to gain an athletic advantage, though, but rather get really baked. Delpopolo claimed that his failed drug test was because of “inadvertent consumption of food that I did not realize had been baked with marijuana.” Sure thing, buddy.

I really can’t blame Delpopolo for wanting to party, but at least wait until after your drug test! Everyone knows Phelps is walking around the village stoned out of his skull right now, but he’s actually done competing. Forever. Guys like Carmelo have the money to bribe Olympic officials if he needs to smoke a little green to relieve his sore scrotum (fuck you Argentina), but sadly I just don’t see Nike and Air Jordan sponsoring Delpopolo anytime soon, so he might just need to get his act together.

  1. JudgeFraterson

    Judging by those frosty tips and decent side lean powerpoint, this guy would give zero fucks about having to sweep the leg.

    12 years ago at 3:08 pm
    1. Yo Soy Fiesta

      The man is draped in an American flag and is delivering a Gerry Bertier level powerpoint.

      12 years ago at 9:53 am