An Interview with Country Music Artist Rich O’Toole

Meet 28-year-old country music artist Rich O’Toole. He’s a KA from Texas A&M, a fraternity party band legend, and a serious up and comer on the country music scene. I had the good fortune to chat with Rich the other day, but thankfully not in person, because Goddamnit I would’ve drowned in those deep blue eyes of his. Anyway, uh, here’s our conversation.

Bacon: When did you start getting into music? And when did country music become your biggest musical interest?

Rich O’Toole: I started writing music in high school and when I attended Texas A&M I took it to the next level playing bars and fraternity parties. I have always been a huge fan of country music as any fraternity man should be. ‘Merica.

Bacon: Describe your fraternity experience.

Rich O’Toole: I was a KA at Texas A&M. I was a rush chair, a member of council and an all around Keystone Light slammer. Being in a fraternity was an amazing experience for me. The friends, trips to New Orleans and illegal black jack games in my buddy’s basement made it top notch.

Bacon: What were you like in school?

Rich O’Toole: Just like any other fraternity man, I thought my S&^T didn’t stink. It still doesn’t. TFM. But really I had a blast. I hated going to class so I would come up with every scheme possible to skip but still make a “C.” Music is my thing, not reading, unless it’s the drink specials.

Bacon: What was your favorite moment from being in a fraternity?

Rich O’Toole: Opening for Otis Day and The Knights from the movie “Animal House” at The KA house at UT. I got on stage and sang “Shout” with them. Dream come true. We also took a shot with the band backstage. So that and dirty dancing at foam parties.

Bacon: When did you know for sure that you didn’t want a real job?

Rich O’Toole: As soon as Bud Light started literally paying me to drink their beer. I said to myself that I will never not do this ever again. That and I get to Go HAM every night and perform my own music and get paid for it. WOW, I thank my lucky stars.

Bacon: How is your music, and your decision to pursue music, influenced by your fraternity experiences and your experiences in college?

Rich O’Toole: On the road touring if you take it too seriously you will never get out alive. And I think the attitude I had when I was a KA and in college helped me laugh off hardships and tour problems. Life is like one giant 80’s rock cover band, just get on the dance floor and chug wine until your date makes out with you. It has also helped me a lot in terms of making great friends, and writing music for people that want to enjoy music.

Bacon: Be honest, you wanted to be a recording artist so that you could keep raging like you were in a fraternity, didn’t you?

Rich O’Toole: Hells Yes! In the words of Frank Sinatra: “I feel sorry for people that don’t drink, because in the morning that’s the best they will feel all day,” genius. Of course touring all the clubs in the south and Midwest allows me to still have a blast every weekend and throw down. Another shot of Jameson please.

Bacon: What do you hope to accomplish in your music career?

Rich O’Toole: Well, every year I want to get bigger. My idols are Bruce Springsteen and Robert Earl Keen, I would love to have a career like them, put out jams and keep the bus rolling down the road. Put on shows for people that love music and have a great time, plus it would be huge to headline the Houston Rodeo one day! Dream big.

Bacon: I’d like to personally thank you for singing a song that romanticizes drunk girls, what in particular inspired the song “Drunk Girl?

Rich O’Toole: Just like you, I love drunk girls. Nothing is better than a girl who’s downed 12 Zimas and makes out with you while screaming the words to “Don’t Stop Believing”. That and convincing her that you’re Pre-Law when you’re not. TFM.

Bacon: It’s pretty chill that you play guitar, and being an up and coming country music artist, you must pull a fair amount of girls, drunk or otherwise. What would you say your chill to pull ratio is?

Rich O’Toole: Well I think its kind of douchey to start playing guitar just to pull tail, but don’t fix what’s not broken. Lets just say I do alright.

Bacon: I understand you play a lot of fraternity parties. What’s it like to be on the other side of the coin so to speak, what’s it like to play the parties instead of raging at them?

Rich O’Toole: It’s really tough sometimes. I want to be back in school again so bad. I’m 28 now and it’s been 6 years since I was in school. It’s like a dad watching his kids play baseball, you want to be on the field again so bad. Even though I’m old balls I still get off stage and rage! I love keg stands, that will never get old.

Bacon: So then you understand that when I throw a half empty bottle of McCormick’s Whiskey at the stage it’s because your music is awesome and pumped me up, right?

Rich O’Toole: Of Course. That’s an honor. Now if you throw a half full bottle of Crown I would be pissed. You can’t waste Crown.

Bacon: How much unprotected sex would you say you help facilitate when you play for a fraternity party? I’m sure you have quite a few assists, would you call yourself the Steve Nash of drunk white kid sex?

Rich O’Toole: Always wrap it up, you never know what a rando might carry. You could catch something that Ajax can’t take off. Side note, pretty sure I have helped fraternity guys get more Bush than the White House.

Bacon: In your song “Drunk Girl” you claim that you weren’t good at science so you bought a guitar. Would you agree that this is the type of attitude that will surely lead to our nation’s demise at the hands of the Chinese?

Rich O’Toole: Haha, For sure. Fraternity guys don’t do work. We hire someone to do it, we will be just fine. USA!! USA!! USA!!

Bacon: Is there anything else you’d like the TFM readers to know?

Rich O’Toole: Come check out a show soon, and “Like” us on Facebook: Also my Twitter is @RichOToole. If you want to hear “Drunk Girl” go over to iTunes and pick it up!

Keep shot gunning Keystones and blasting Journey till the cops come.