You, shut the hell up, I'll run the country. TFM

  1. TG

    You look like a faggot. black suit, blue socks, and casual brown loafers? My Dad’s chauffeur dresses nicer than you.. but then again, we did buy his family.

    15 years ago at 7:55 pm
  2. real south

    its all about khaki pants, white button up, navy blue blazer, and dark brown loafers, with your fraternities gameday greek-week football socks.. get it right gdi

    15 years ago at 11:27 am
  3. Fratty McFraterson

    Real fratdaddy’s wear leather bound shoes, not sketchers you faggot. GDI

    14 years ago at 9:27 am
  4. ihaveanivyleaguedegr

    Oooooooh! I’m running the country because I can pretend to read a newspaper! What’s it like to have a double digit IQ?

    14 years ago at 12:58 pm