Fratting hard in the 80's while touring Europe

  1. Fratty McFraterson

    For the record, I posted this. I was drinking at a braves tailgate when I sent it in and forgot to add state and name.

    14 years ago at 9:07 am
    1. Yurman&Nikes

      There’s something really wrong about calling a toddler a GDI… especially when he’s pretty frat otherwise!!

      14 years ago at 6:00 pm
    1. alexander brovechkin

      agreed. very acceptable given it was the 80’s aka the glory days of all raging and the last decade of true frat.

      14 years ago at 4:14 pm
  2. Southern Money

    popped collar is ok on a golf course i know my brother is a pga golfer he pops it to avid sun burn PGA = FRAT
    he also shuns cargo shorts and made sure his caddy came from his same chapter.

    but really this kid is TFM

    14 years ago at 3:10 pm
  3. fratagonia

    He’s three years old…stop hating everything on this website.

    frat on, Fratty McFraterson.

    14 years ago at 4:19 pm
  4. NeFraty Feliz

    those look like some stunna shades but this is a bigger TFM than that junior frat star playing golf, i hate GDIs who stand in my line.

    14 years ago at 4:43 pm
  5. gkodbfall06

    So presh! I think this is more your momma’s doing than yours.

    Grooming your three year old son to be a fratstar. TSM.

    14 years ago at 7:35 am