1. BROn Paul

    nice pre-game and all… Just confused as to why there is red bull on the receipt. and other liquor that’s not bourbon? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say those were for the slampieces with you.

    14 years ago at 8:01 pm
  2. Fratinson

    $2 Jack? And did I see Vegas Bombs? You better pray to Frat Daddy Jesus that you had about 100 sorostitutes with you.

    14 years ago at 8:39 pm
  3. fratagonia

    this must be cheapest bar on earth…I hope it was fratty hour…and I second the other guys, hope you had some slampieces to chug down some of those pussy drinks

    14 years ago at 9:12 pm
    1. Fratty in Texas

      I don’t know where this place is, but in Lubbock we had $2 pint nights on Thursdays no matter what kind of beer it is. Blue Moon, Stella, XX, Coors didn’t matter. Obviously Blue Moon=NF but it’s typically expensive.

      14 years ago at 12:30 pm
    2. BROn Paul

      Who cares how much the drinks were! The point is he has 5X the amount of bitch drinks as he does acceptable bourbons or beer, so therefore he either drinks like a GDI homo or had 5X the number of slampieces with him than he did brothers.

      14 years ago at 2:18 pm
  4. Duke Fraterberry

    Why didn’t you put what school you were from? You must attend a University deemed NF because that would at least give this $700 tab some merit. But 82 vodkas and 37 vegas bombs? Come on, just admit you go to some school up North and you thought you could Wow us folks below the Mason-Dixon Line

    14 years ago at 5:47 pm
  5. Billy Madison

    Yall can hate as much as you want. I was going to hate until I saw the 10 Maker’s Mart for 20 some-odd dollars. Anyone who hates on this picture is just jealous b/c there isn’t a bar like this near them. This is a TFM cuz he charge so much money at a bar that is cheap as fuck even with the frat liquor.

    14 years ago at 3:09 am
    1. Mirrorgasm

      It was all fine, until I read the Jager bombs. Jager is for Guido’s that are NF.

      14 years ago at 8:34 am
  6. Purple and Gold

    Folding receipts = NF

    Impressive tab though, definitely was showing the slampieces a good time; no one drinks Jack, Jim, Makers and 18 Coors Lights with those other bitch drinks.

    14 years ago at 9:34 am