Out for a sail on JFK's yacht. TFM

  1. Old School Frat

    Yes, but he wasn’t a liberal.

    Introduced the then-largest tax cut in US history, pushed for free trade, and tried to push the Fed to target inflation.

    He wasn’t some liberal tool like Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi who believed wealth creation could be facilitated by extra regulation and tax hikes.

    14 years ago at 12:20 pm
  2. frattttt

    Any of u who think JFK wasn’t one of the frattiest individuals to ever live, is a fuckin idiot. Being a democrat was a lot diff back then. Barack and all his lackies would’ve been locked up for being Commies.

    14 years ago at 4:07 pm
    1. Fratosaurus Rex

      There are no CONSERVATIVE democrats anymore. JFK is probably rolling over in his grave over what happening in Washington.

      14 years ago at 1:16 pm
  3. leggy

    although I agree JFK did some fratty legislation, he still passed the Civil Right’s act of 1964. civil rights = not fratty.

    14 years ago at 9:50 pm
    1. The Great Broholio

      I’d like to know how JFK passed a bill in 1964 after he got his brain blown out in 1963. Yeah he introduced the initial legislation, but passed it? Fucking retard.

      14 years ago at 6:19 am
    2. FratasFuck

      First of all, get your facts straight. JFK died in 1963…and ignorance=you’re a fucking retard. This site isn’t about race.

      14 years ago at 9:37 pm
    3. AlphaTauBromega

      Congrats, this is the dumbest thing I’ve heard anyone say thus far this year.

      14 years ago at 12:13 pm
  4. Frattley R. Adams III, Esq.

    To a certain degree I’d have to agree with Fratttt. JFK could have gone down as the frattiest person to have ever lived if he wasn’t a yankee democrat. That aside, JFK came from an extremely wealthy family; his dad made their wealth through distributing alcohol during prohibition; he went to very expensive private schools (I believe Milton and Harvard); was a war hero in WWII; we all know he was president of the greatest country in the world; he had a sorostitute wife and pounded hundreds of slampieces on the side; and he consistently maintained a fratty appearance with the comb-over and ray ban wayfarer’s.

    14 years ago at 11:00 pm
    1. brohan gutenberg

      wow… simply amazing… I think the only thing you left out was that he got fucked up on the reg. but still, amazing.

      14 years ago at 12:12 am
    2. frat long. frat hard

      no he covered that too Brohan…”pounded hundreds of slampieces on the side”…he would be my fucking idol if he wasn’t a damn demoRAT.

      14 years ago at 10:23 pm
  5. Frat Father

    Nice try. I’m pretty sure the steering wheel in the JFK picture is made of wood. Fuck you.

    14 years ago at 11:13 pm
    1. Tycho Brohe

      Also the sails aren’t up. Did they finally let you take the helm under power?

      14 years ago at 6:48 am
    2. sig hansen

      look at the angle of the main sheet and how taut it is. mizzen is not up but the main must be.

      14 years ago at 9:02 am
  6. James Elliot Jr

    wwwoowww congrats? this boat is docked on a public dock in Annapolis. Any GDI with feet can walk onto it. Do you even know the difference between a line and a sheet? ooo im taking a picture with a wax statue of Reagan! am i fratty now?

    14 years ago at 8:54 pm