Drinking a beer on the beach next to my neighbor John Mellencamp while he is blasting a cig, watching a bald eagle take a drink out of the ocean. TFM.

  1. Markers

    I think this is hysterical because John Mellencamp is one of the biggest liberals in the world….

    14 years ago at 3:12 am
    1. Doc Holliday

      Are you kidding me? Most good musicians are liberal. You must only listen to Ted Nugent because I’m guessing you don’t listen to Grateful Dead, Panic, The Band, Bob Dylan, YMSB, Robert Earl Keen, The Allman Bros., Jimmy Buffett, I could go on and on. My guess is your taste in music fucking sucks. I’m sure he just likes his music, not wants him to serve elected office, dipshit.

      14 years ago at 6:03 am
    2. Benjamin Piatt Drunkle

      I might listen to their music if they are liberal but I do not wanna sit on the beat with one. Listen to Texas Country if you want to here the shit.

      14 years ago at 1:58 am
  2. fratcastleking

    This being on the front page. NF. Not knowing that bald eagles drink freshwater and not salt water. NF. Sitting on the beach with only one other guy is not a politician or someone who will get you a job in the finical world. NF. Being an obvious liar. NF

    14 years ago at 3:58 am
  3. The Fratriot

    Rumor has it he rushed us but we didnt let him in, but his brother Ted managed to get on our composite.

    14 years ago at 6:06 am
  4. copefrat

    to bad Johns house is next to mine in Dafuskie Island Aouth Carolins, his sons stayed at my house all summmer pretty much but hey good try with the fake story!

    14 years ago at 3:15 pm
    1. Daufratskie

      John Mellencamp was on Daufuskie for New Year’s Eve, in South Carolina, and he does, in fact, own a home in Bloody Point (on Daufuskie Island).

      14 years ago at 6:15 pm