Are Bill O’Reilly & Donald Trump TFTC for the Wave?


At least The Donald made an attempt, albeit a half-assed one. Billy O’Reilly just gave it the ole “Yeah yeah, go fuck yourself” finger point. Speaking of Bill O’Reilly, we’re doing it fucking live, so follow @TFMLive for marquee Olympic event coverage.

  1. Sasha_

    God fucking dammit dorn you piece of shit I posted this exact fucking TFM yesterday asshole you never post my TFMs. Your news section sucks by the way. Get a dull knife, heat up the blade, dip it in a cancer/syphilis mixture, and slowly massage your wrists.

    12 years ago at 5:22 pm
    1. Sasha_

      You, my friend, are walking on eggshells. I hope you and bacon die when you go hang-gliding together next weekend. Fuck you. -Sasha
      tftc ?!?!?!?

      12 years ago at 8:09 pm
    2. Bambi


      12 years ago at 9:56 pm
    1. Sasha_

      Is it the fact that he owns one of the most iconic American empires ever built, the fact he came from old money, or the way he conducts himself and runs his businesses that is NF? Or is it the clothing line he’s built? Or his over the top indulgences? What exactly makes this man “anything but frat”? -Sasha

      12 years ago at 8:06 pm
    2. Boston BroSox

      He doesn’t actually own much, he just licenses his name. Numerous buildings of his that he actually own have gone bankrupt. His Casino’s have gone bankrupt. His clothing line is crap, and can be found in TJ Maxx and lower end stores. Its not a line that you would find at any high end store, such as Saks. Nobody in New York actually takes him seriously, only idiots who won’t ever see the inside of an actual boardroom.

      12 years ago at 9:35 pm
    3. FratSouthernStyle

      And now we wait… Slowly, the Sasha_ will plan her stealthy and well researched response that she has prepared in the wilderness of the world wide web…

      12 years ago at 1:39 pm
    4. Sasha_

      lol bro u r all entitled 2 ur own opinion !!! lots o people dont like him i personally am fond and he is an idol of mine along with romney and scott disick lol bros but sasha is retiring cause ppl r being buttheads c u doods #l8r #friends byeee im going back 2 myspace -sasha

      12 years ago at 2:18 pm