Are People Overreacting Over These High Schoolers’ “N*gga We Made It” Sign?

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I pose the title as a question because I legitimately don’t know if they are or not.

I don’t know the rules. Obviously, the hard “er” at the end of the word is extremely offensive and should never be used. The “a” ending, on the contrary, seems to have become cross-culturally accepted. The word is everywhere. I see it all over my Twitter feed, from people of different races, and I can’t recall a single instance where the person using it was condemned. It’s always used in jest from my observation, so does that make it okay?

It’s in every Jay-Z song. He’s black. Drake uses it, too. He’s Jewish. (But might also be part black?) After 20 minutes of research, I can’t find an example of a single mainstream white rapper who uses it, but many of them certainly allow featured black rappers to use it in their songs. Is it only okay for black people to use the word? Are they cool if other races use it? If so, how? When?

I don’t know the answers to any of these questions. I avoid using the word, because at the end of the day, if a single person is offended by a word he or she deems derogatory against something he or she believes, or who they are, is it wrong to use? I think so, in some capacity, at least. That’s my opinion, though. Some might call it taking political correctness too far. I see it as common decency.

In Georgia, graduating students at South Forsyth High School hung a banner over the side of the school to celebrate the end of their high school era. It read: “Nigga We Made It #2k14.” It’s a line from a Drake song (Drake’s music is great, by the way). The students are white. People aren’t happy.

In addition to the banner, the phrase was written other places around the school, too. The most prominent place was on windows with shoe polish.

School officials responded, because school officials have to respond in a situation like this one. They released the following statement via MyFoxAtlanta:

“South Forsyth High School Parents: This morning, without our knowledge, students placed a derogatory sign with a verse from a song by Drake on our school as a senior prank. We removed it as soon as it was brought to our attention and deeply apologize for their behavior. This is unacceptable and I promise you that the students will receive the appropriate consequences for their actions.”

The school, I don’t believe, is overreacting. It’s a school. It’s a place where young people go to learn and mature. It’s a place where all are deserving of fair and equal treatment. It’s a place where school officials and teachers are responsible for the wellbeing of their students. School should be a safe haven. School officials took the appropriate course of action. Given the circumstances, this was a stupid decision by these kids. Bottom line.

What about outside of school? Is the word ever acceptable? I’m sincerely asking, because I have no idea.

[via MyFoxAtlanta]

Image via Twitter

  1. austinm

    It’s a derogatory term that has centuries of stigma and meaning behind it. If African-Americans and Black people choose to use it, that’s one thing. But, seeing as how racism still exists and Whites are still in the majority in terms of power, that term is never okay to use it. If you wanted to me message me Dorn, I can explain it more in-depth. Let the “take a lap”s begin.

    10 years ago at 11:33 am
  2. Gov_Lester Maddox

    I went to South Forsyth. It’s honestly just a bunch of really wealthy kids in a town that was known for racism 30 years ago. It doesn’t exist as much as it used to. The parking lot at South looks like the players lot at Turner Field. Just rich suburban kids making a joke.

    10 years ago at 4:01 pm
  3. DirtyJobsWithMikeBro

    I went here for a year before the high school I spent the next three years at was built. This is not racist. The n-word does not really have the same meaning today as it used to. Words only carry the meaning you give to them. The security footage showed that it was a racially diverse group of students who hung it up. Honestly, I’m more offended that they would quote Drake. Oh, and the slip ‘n slide the did in the hallway leaked water into the school’s server room and fried it. In Georgia, there are mandatory end of course tests and every student’s grades were stored on those servers with no back ups whatsoever, and the tests are not allowed to be retaken by Georgia law. So the kids who pulled these pranks are seriously fucked.

    10 years ago at 7:42 pm
  4. RableYell

    This is the same Forsyth Co. that was the last place in Georgia to have black residents. Me thinks they may struggle with a complete understanding of the gangsta lifestyle.

    10 years ago at 3:25 pm