Arizona’s Gamma Phi Beta Punches Back With Tumblr Of Their Own, Sets The Fucking Internet On Fire

Just last week, the Pi Beta Phi chapter at the University of Arizona had consensual internet sex with the hundreds of thousands of people who viewed their now famous Tumblr page. We covered it HERE. It was hot. Real hot.

It also started an inner-campus battle, because just yesterday, the Gamma Phi Betas at U of A retaliated with a Tumblr page of their own. The gloves, as they say, have officially come off. This page is just as hot as the Pi Phi one, and the U of A campus is on high cat fight alert.

Some highlights are below, but be sure to check out their full Tumblr page HERE.

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Images via Tumblr

  1. Flowmetheus

    the two in the second picture look like they have downs syndrome. i wouldnt even pee on them…

    11 years ago at 3:25 pm
  2. staunchconservative2

    Hoping that a few of them have some daddy issues that need to be worked out

    11 years ago at 3:27 pm
  3. Bourbon and Beer

    I fuckin’ love my school. Also for the record, U of A is actually not that bad. Eller is top 40 and entrepreneurship is ranked like 4 in the nation. We really do get the best of both worlds.

    11 years ago at 3:32 pm