Arkansas Fraternity Drops 1% Banner in front of Protestors

  1. high kapp

    Fucking hilarious, but the TFM at the bottom is trying too hard. Close but no cigar.

    13 years ago at 11:04 pm
  2. Ciroc Chalk Jayhawk

    Pointing out an unrelated fact, but having your chapter house next door to a Bank of America? TFM. 1% row.

    13 years ago at 2:26 am
  3. brovandy

    These fucking hipsters are pissing me off. My family supports multiple charities, I have no problem giving the poor a handout who want to work hard and improve their lives. But these fuckers want to end CAPITALISM, what made America what it is today. They should be lynched for treason.

    13 years ago at 5:57 am
    1. sirfrattious

      This whole wallstreet protest isn’t unified, hell they dont even know what they are talking about. Everything they want stands for communism and socialism. I mean if you don’t like America, then we will give you a good “Fuck You” and a free pass to leave. But yet, you see everyone fighting for their lives to come over here and live. So i say FUCK ‘EM

      13 years ago at 12:58 pm
    2. CandC

      Not supporting capitalism doesn’t make someone treasonous by any measure of the definition.

      Besides, the protests aren’t about ending capitalism. The core of the protest is to bring about the separation of banks from government, essentially ending the corporatocracy.

      Just pointing out some facts here fellas.

      13 years ago at 3:22 pm