Arkansas Fraternity Drops 1% Banner in front of Protestors

  1. Fratastophy

    Trying way too hard and you still ended up with a shitty looking sign. It also took your pledges long enough to figure out how to drop the banner the right way. Send them to the hazement until they learn to work together and get a sorostitute to do your sign next time. They’re all experts at coloring.

    13 years ago at 9:45 am
  2. AAA_Rated

    I really cannot take most of these people seriously with the way they dress themselves.

    13 years ago at 1:06 pm
  3. Frataloosca

    This is when you send in the Seal Team Six pledges to dispose of these fucking geeds.

    13 years ago at 2:34 pm
  4. SECGreek

    These dirty hipsters are all over downtown Athens in UGA. I bet most of them don’t even know the nature of what they’re protesting about.

    Uneducated fucks, this is why capitalism is great.

    13 years ago at 3:12 pm