Arkansas QB’s Truck Set On Fire And Now SEC Football Can Officially Begin

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Not much could top announcing the arrival of the 2014 SEC college football season like setting a starting QB’s truck on fire. University of Arkansas quarterback Brandon Allen can attest to that. He woke up early Monday morning to the sound of his car alarm going off. What he found when he went outside to shut it off was his truck engulfed in flames.

Was it purely coincidence that Allen’s truck was set ablaze on week one of the college football season, or was he targeted by a crazed football fan?

From NWA Homepage:

According to the fire department, one car parked at 711 west Douglas at Courts at Whitham was reported engulfed in flames around 1 a.m. That fire ignited another nearby car.

Three hours later and about a mile away, a truck owned by Razorback Quarterback Brandon Allen was reported to be on fire at 711 west Douglas.

Allen’s truck fire was the second of its kind in three hours in the vicinity, so a case could definitely be made that his truck was randomly selected. However, a slightly less plausible scenario could have played out–a scenario I 100% believe in–and a drunk non-Razorback SEC fan intended to set Allen’s truck on fire, but in his drunken haze, threw his moonshine cocktail on the wrong car.

It took him three more hours of drinking to realize his mistake, then he got it right.

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The most important thing here, of course, is that no one was injured in the fires.

[via NWA Homepage]

Image via Twitter

    1. Fratasaurus

      In all honesty, they were probably throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Prius and missed

      10 years ago at 4:01 pm
  1. BLAT

    This isn’t a coincidence. Last year they egged his car. Something was bound to happen this year.

    10 years ago at 7:46 am