Arkansas State Attempted A Fake Punt Where A Guy Played DEAD

“Wait, so what am I doing here again?”

“When the ball is snapped, just act like you’re suffering a massive heart attack and fall down like you’re dead.”

“But why?”

“Just fucking do it!”

I can’t believe this play didn’t work.

    1. Natty Enthusiast

      Chaz your comments over the last few days have shown that you are a huge cunt muscle. Feel free to deactivate your account and die

      10 years ago at 9:57 pm
      1. FratTheDipper

        I second that Natty E.

        Research shows that Chaz, although new, has blasted the comments sections and yet still has ZERO comments with a positive amount of ^this. They’re all fucking annoying. His highest ^this score being 0, after 20+ comments makes me just hate the guy as well. Sorry, but I had to Chaz.

        So, we’ll see ya later, buddy. Don’t come back please.

        10 years ago at 10:49 pm
  1. Georgia_Fratter

    Not sure if it’s the Vyvanse or what but it took me forever to find some fucker playing dead to Kesha

    10 years ago at 10:07 pm
      1. The Prodigal

        It took me way more than 10 sadly. i watched it over and over thinking dorn fucked up and posted the wrong clip until i saw your comment an laughed historically when i finally saw it.

        10 years ago at 8:46 am
      2. Minnesota Nice

        Was it really a historic laugh? I’m just messing with you, I know you meant hysterically

        10 years ago at 10:14 am