Arizona State offering valet parking in front of the business building. TFM.

    1. PIKEpledge

      ^ you must have a helicopter bring you to class and land on the roof of the business building don’t you tryhard.

      12 years ago at 2:44 pm
    1. cleavage

      Actually you dumb fuck ASU has one of the better business schools in the country.

      12 years ago at 2:36 pm
    2. SouthIsNF

      South = Confederacy
      Confederacy = Terrorism
      Terrorism = NF
      Therefore, SouthisNF
      Keep flying your Southern Cross terrorists

      12 years ago at 5:40 pm
    3. better_than_you

      ^I hope your family dies in a rape/murder/suicide and your first born son gets sickle-cell anaemia.

      12 years ago at 6:11 pm
    4. Dorns_Boy_Toy

      Define “better.” Like, better than fucking University of Phoenix online? You realize good employers understand these schools reputations and aren’t retarded? And don’t give me the, “Well, my friend got a job working at Citadels prop desk making $300k a year right out of school!”

      12 years ago at 6:16 pm
    5. Hoo Frats Harder

      Okay… You understand that fraternities were initially started in the South? Need I say more? Well I will. How about you’re a tool, you live north of the Mason Dixon, and you suck. Have fun with your Jersey Shore trash fraternities wherever the fuck you are. But to sum it all up, just kill yourself.

      12 years ago at 6:29 pm
    6. yourfavgeed

      ^ I never knew the Miami and Union Triads (formed 10+ years before the Lexington Triad) were based in the South. Who knew?

      12 years ago at 6:36 pm
    7. yourfavgeed

      So basically, when you get put in your place with the long dick of truth, you pretty much got nothin’.

      Wait, I forgot- facts and reason. NF.
      Larry the Cable Guy. FaF.

      12 years ago at 6:52 pm
    8. better_than_you

      The north aint doing shit. They just a bunch of whiney, annoning, democrats , who want our guns took away. Fuck the north up the butthole, they get nothing.

      12 years ago at 8:09 pm
    9. Real_JRH

      ^^^ if you’re trying to make a case for asu being a good school then that is actually laughable.

      12 years ago at 6:08 am
    10. Stoned Wall Jackson

      77th is nothing to be proud of, last I checked, if you ain’t first, you’re last

      12 years ago at 1:03 pm
  1. AnOldOld Wooden Ship

    Thats ironic because im pretty sure all you learn at the ASU business college is how to sign up for welfare

    12 years ago at 3:04 pm
  2. Mergerarb

    I would assume the business school has great job placement into the valet program. ASU, what a fucking joke.

    12 years ago at 3:35 pm
  3. IhazeUcry

    Arizona State is full of Geeds. Plus it’s the worst University in Arizona, matter of fact, the worst University in the nation.

    12 years ago at 5:05 pm