ATO At Vanderbilt Writes Try-Hardiest Email Of All Time To Rushees
ATO at Vandy PARTIES FUCKING HARD, you guys, and they want their rushees to know it. They do nothing but CRUSH date functions, fuck bitches, and stick the sluts with the bills. They don’t have time for professionalism, because they’re already a bunch of BOSSES, especially their rush chair. Straight-up badassery is the only rush technique they need. The following is an email that was allegedly sent out by ATO’s rush chair to potential new members last week. The email has been circulating around Vanderbilt’s campus and was sent to us by an anonymous tipster.
Sup fuckheads,
In my last email I led an attack on Sorority date parties. I’d like to briefly apologize as I will admit that I actually had fun at a sorority date party this past Friday. I don’t know if it was actually fun or if I was tricked into believing it was fun after ordering 4 long island iced teas to the horror of my date stuck paying the bill. The night culminated in playing strip pong with my roommate and our two dates. During these festivities, a group of freshman knocked on my door and I apparently told you “We were all just about to have sex but you’re welcome to join” and then proceeded to fully open the door and show them what 2 naked women look like. Whoever you are, you’re welcome.
After the pong, our Resident poet [name redacted] kicked me out of the room, sent me to this chick’s room, and then left his naked date in the room for an hour while he fucked a different girl in the shower. I am not too sure what his thought process was, so fuck him. Fuck Mother Nature too. Due to a 70% chance of thunderstorms, we cancelled our exclusive off campus event and then Saturday was fucking beautiful. Also, fuck softball. I sprained my quad going hard in intramural Softball which has now led to me walking around looking like I was just buttfucked harder than that girl that was with D-Roc.
Fuckhead? Dude’s right. I am a fuckhead. Man, that’s so frat. I am going to rush the SHIT out of this fraternity, so I can just KILL IT at sorority date functions and stick my date with the bill before slamming her and her whole fucking pledge class in front of fucking pledges. That’s in no way an indication that I’m actually a cheap shit, or a perverted creep because I’m making a GIRL submit to me, and everyone knows girls are the enemy, and the only way to be frat is to disregard them as humans. Haha. Sluts. And that Mother Nature slut sounds like the sluttiest slut of them all. Fuck her, man. Fuck anyone who goes against ATO.
When are this week’s rush events, though? My dick has swollen into a rock hard erection just thinking about being a mere man among these frat gods.
Okay I’m done ranting
Monday – MNF at 7:30. We will have refreshments and stadium seating. This will be a rape free event, I promise. Football is safe again.
Tuesday – We have a brotherhood event this Tuesday and will be unable to give you free booze. Sorry.
Wednesday – I really fucking hate Wednesdays. But we are having Officer Neely speak at our house this day on risk management or some bullshit. I don’t really fucking know but all of us will be here, bored and sober, listening to a police officer rant. Do you see why I hate Wednesdays?
Thursdays – To those of you who had fun last Thursday, we are doing the same shit. Come by, bring your crew, lose to me in pong. This seems like a recurring Thursday theme. Oh yeah we also have a sorority swap before this event and will probably have a theme. Maybe Hawaiian sluts or something so I can see chicks with coconut bras. I don’t really know yet, but text me if you’re coming and Ill give you the theme so you can get your bitches decked out. Yeah probably Hawaiian.
Friday – Those of you that have been officially abandoned by your parents and don’t have them coming down, text me to find out what shenanigans we are up to. If your parents are coming and are down to get down, drop by the house and I’ll take shots with your dads while flirting with your hot moms. You can’t take a shot though, you silly freshman, you’re not 21.
Saturday – What are we doing Saturday? Oh yeah its the parents weekend tailgate that my mother blacked out and drove back to her hotel after, last year. We are actually hosting this in the back because. Um I forgot, but yeah come in the back. Also we have like 2 tons of shrimp coming in for a shrimp boil. Fuck crawfish, I like shrimp.
Maybe I’ll consider hosting Sunday Events in the future. But I’m usually too hungover to do anything.
Dude, I would TOTALLY let this guy flirt with my mom if it meant getting a bid. He can fuck her for all I care! Slut. Shit sounds awesome. Can’t wait for this badass to pound my ass to the ground…in beer pong. That shit on Wednesday sucks, though. Fuck Wednesdays. But other than that, I’m so fucking there. I wish there was an event on Sunday, but fuck it, man. These guys go so hard, that they need a day of rest. God needed a day of rest, too. This sounds fucking awesome.
[h/t Vandy813]
Image via Vanderbilt ATO
Prepare yourselves, we’re only going to get more shit like this as High Schoolers who read to much of this site start going to college……
11 years ago at 7:06 pmThis guy is a disgrace to our national chapter and Greek life in general. Being Greek is about tradition and respect. Clearly he has never heard of respect and no idea what ATO actually stands for.
11 years ago at 7:45 pmNo one will ever rush ATO after this.
11 years ago at 7:46 pmHell yes, what studs.
11 years ago at 10:54 pmFuck this kid.
11 years ago at 11:45 pmA True Merit Award awaits them
11 years ago at 8:57 amWow they sound like they rage harder than anyone else. Such a power move on his part treating rushees like pledges and calling them all fuckheads. Major TFM these guys are TFTC
11 years ago at 10:43 amHot Piece. You free next Wednesday?
11 years ago at 1:51 pmResident poet. Faf.
11 years ago at 8:38 am