1. sigepscalpha

      This actually didn’t even cross my mind when I read it. How in the hell does crap like this enter a straight man’s mind when they read such a post for the first time? Seriously? Think about this for a bit. If you think different; maybe you should consider sucking on an exhaust pipe for a while.

      13 years ago at 11:30 pm
    2. Bro Reilly Frator

      ^Well this guy is trying to hard to put you don’t because it was definitely something that was expected to be said since everything gets ripped up on here. Just like I am ripping on you and just like someone may rip on me.

      13 years ago at 1:33 am
  1. Harry Fratter

    Too bad nobody here watches golf. It wasn’t his first time to choke in a major. funny post though

    13 years ago at 8:56 am
    1. Theodore B Kelly

      Learn to read buddy, he didn’t specify which major rory choked in or that he only choked once (or twice in this instance.)

      13 years ago at 9:23 am