Auburn Just Added Three National Championships In Football

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The Southeastern Conference, where teams win national championships years, or even decades, after the seasons conclude in which they claim them.

Because the NCAA doesn’t officially recognize Division 1A/FBS football national titles, some universities tend to go rogue, occasionally feeling inclined to claim them, deserved or not. The University of Alabama is far and away the worst culprit of this practice. Texas A&M does it, too. And now, we can add Auburn to this sketchy mix.


The Auburn Tigers began competing in intercollegiate football in 1892 and have amassed the 12th most wins in major college history. The NCAA recognizes Auburn as National Champions in 2010, 1993, 1983, 1957 and 1913.

The titles recently added are 1913, 1983, and 1993. The ’93 title is an interesting one–Auburn went undefeated that season but was ruled ineligible for postseason play.

[via, Deadspin]

  1. Dave1029

    As an Alabama fan, I welcome this. Now when the barners say we claim championships, we can say the same damn thing back to them.

    10 years ago at 4:04 am
    1. HouseChef_TFM

      Thank you for the parenthetical explanation of what that meant, no way would I have known otherwise.

      10 years ago at 5:07 pm