1. Fratty lite

      Is anyone looking at the picture?
      Or just talking shit.
      Shits hilarious. Frat.

      14 years ago at 3:18 pm
  1. Willie Haze

    This is frat and fucking hilarious. And I don’t go to Auburn. All you haters are fucking dipshits. Get lives.

    14 years ago at 2:04 pm
  2. southernfrat256

    One of their brothers owned most of the island of Barbados, If that isnt frat i dont know what is. AGR at Auburn= FRAT

    14 years ago at 2:13 pm
    1. Mother mu

      Yea that’s jon riddle he almost dates a 17 year old and he’s 24 nf I probably bet on Alabama football more a month then y’all dues are

      14 years ago at 9:19 pm
    2. Manchild

      ↑↑↑ Bitter, shit-talking sorostitutes who don’t know how to form a thought in a complete sentence, and who show utter disregard for the use of punctuation = NF. As a matter of fact, that’s just low class.

      14 years ago at 9:40 am
    3. Brosephus

      Dating a slampiece 7 years younger earns major bro cred.

      Betting money on the no. 1 team = NF

      14 years ago at 6:12 pm
    4. S.ame A.ssholes E.verywhere

      he’s not a slampiece, he just joined the best fraternity on Alambama’s campus. Phi Alpha Mother Mu.

      14 years ago at 5:39 am
    5. Mother mu

      Phi alpha and agr just makes me laugh they wear cargo shorts there. No one ever made money in cargo shorts, but then again that’s why there agr

      14 years ago at 9:37 pm
  3. The guy witht the flag

    I appreciate yalls frat knowledge and expertise, however yall missed a minor detail. I go to Clemson, so war eagle did not pull a TFM. GO TIGERS

    14 years ago at 2:48 pm
    1. The guy witht the flag

      preciate the love fraterstein. #1slampiece…..you…me…tonight. im takin you to pleasuretown

      14 years ago at 4:46 pm
  4. Fuckin'FRAT

    Everyone in this picture is frat as shit, He’s bein’ a gentleman and holding his slamnpieces drink for her. GDI’s can burn in hell!!

    14 years ago at 6:36 pm
  5. Brobin Hood

    1. Fuck Clemson. Come try us again any day. WDE
    2. AGR’s pretty frat. New row represents
    3. fuck gdi. fuck mountain dew. 4 lokos are for gdis

    14 years ago at 2:29 am
  6. Frat

    That is not a slampiece. That is a chubby busted girl. Fratstars don’t hold mountain dews for ugly people.

    14 years ago at 10:22 am
  7. General Copenhagen

    that guy looks like he is possibly a midget standing on a stool…..midget=NF. we have good genes.

    14 years ago at 1:09 pm