Austin News Runs Story On Cell Phone Use In Cars, Shows Guy Not Texting But Instead Ripping A Bowl In His Car

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Austin’s local Fox affiliate just ran a story about a possible city-wide ban on the use of cell phones while driving. In the broadcast, a few short clips of Austin drivers using their phones while behind the wheel are shown, except one guy isn’t on his phone at all, but instead is casually sparking a bowl at a red light.

Watch it here:

Classic Austin right here. Love this town. This guy is probably about to begin his shift slinging street-side tacos from a food trailer, or maybe he’s a tech millionaire living that startup life. It’s hard to tell sometimes in this city. It’s a unique place full of interesting people.

Get off your phones in the car, people. And please don’t get high as a kite while operating your two ton death machines.

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Big ups on the expired tags, doper.

[via My Fox Austin]

  1. BlueCupsAreLiberal

    High driving is one of the most hit or miss things to do. You’re either bugging out, or having a great time because you completely forget what you drove past 30 seconds before.

    10 years ago at 1:19 pm
    1. Dick Trickle Down

      Typically, from what I’ve heard, fraternity men in college like to smoke marijuana recreationally.

      10 years ago at 2:02 pm
  2. FrattyTrappings

    Driving whilst zooted is actually pretty easy as long as you aren’t Asian in your driving ability.

    10 years ago at 2:06 pm
  3. hotFRATsoup

    taking a piss, standing in front of my toilet, i think, what measures must have my forefathers taken in order to obtain such comfort in their leisure. as i watch all these new laws develop, it reminds me of the future and also the past. listening to my grandfather talk about how gas used to cost him a nickel and old men talk about how it used to cost only three dollars to take a girl out to dinner, i think to myself, i once fell asleep during a pink floyd laser light show, so don’t bore me with your GOD DAMN STORIES ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY YOU USED TO HAVE AND HOW IT USED TO BE NOT EVEN FIFTY YEARS AGO!

    10 years ago at 3:33 pm
  4. BerrisFueller

    Ballsy move. Getting caught in Texas with under 2 ounces means up to 180 days in jail and/or a $2000 fine, throw in another $500 for paraphernalia and you have quite the day. As much of a dumbfuck as he is, gotta respect how little fucks are given here.

    10 years ago at 8:22 pm