Baby Boomers Are Out-Drinking Millennials


In a previous column, I highlighted the rise in alcohol consumption in the US. The largest contributors in this trend were the college-aged group and people over 50.

Now, it appears that recent data has confirmed my worst fear: The baby boomers of this country are simply out-drinking us, and the gap is actually widening. But it’s not just the US. This trend of baby boomer boozing has also taken hold in the UK. This is even more impressive considering the fact that substance abuse is on the decline in the UK and Australia, except for the over 50 group. This onslaught of boozing boomers has led to some terrifying predictions.

From The Guardian:

What’s more, while risky drinking is on the wane in the UK and Australia, those in the over-50 age bracket buck the trend. By 2020 the number of people receiving treatment for substance misuse problems are expected to double in Europe, and treble in the US, among those aged over 50.

The silver lining here is that the US will still be number one with a 200% increase in substance (mis)use among the 50 plus group versus europe’s (no, they don’t get a capital e from me) measly 100% increase. This trend is also impressive because a 2011 report published in the UK warns that seniors should drink three drinks less per week than the 14 drinks per week recommendation used for younger adults. I would also say that this is compounded by the fact that the baby boomers seem to simply not give a fuck.

Also from The Guardian:

This is the first generation of home-drinkers who are far more likely to buy cheap supermarket alcohol than visit their local pub.

In the end, with US drinking on the rise in general, I don’t think we’re at risk for having our livers emasculated by the Brits. Instead, millennials across the country must take up Sabertooths in arms against the much greater threat of our own parents and grandparents. We will not go down in history as the generation that statistically got drank under the table by Floridian retirees with fucking mimosas (nothing against the drink – they’re delicious). So, the next time you’re grabbing a beer with dear old Dad, make sure to slam a few extra brews while he’s in the can to even the score.

[via The Guardian]

Image via source goes here

  1. BayBro650

    Kinsey is the type of girl not to talk to me at a party, but I’d still spike her drink. 8/10

    8 years ago at 12:04 pm
    1. smithpm

      Amazed that all of these random BOTDs have professional looking pictures just there at the ready. If they’ll show skin for a few extra Twitter or Instagram follows, I wonder what they’d do for $50 in a back alley?

      8 years ago at 1:32 pm
    1. smithpm

      If you have a successful career, it is called social drinking. Last night, I tied one on while my wife and kids were watching Pitch Perfect for the 10th time. But hey, we were still experiencing that quality family time.

      8 years ago at 1:27 pm
  2. thevaginator

    And in other groundbreaking news the sky is blue, water is wet, and sigmanugs is a virgin.

    8 years ago at 12:36 pm
    1. SigmaNugs311

      More tired ass shit from the virginator. Hasn’t high school started yet?

      8 years ago at 1:13 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Kid you are a sigma nu at Georgia State. You are in a bottom tier fraternity at a bottom tier school. You are basically a high schooler

        8 years ago at 3:44 pm
      2. SigmaNugs311

        Why do you keep saying that dipshit? I’ve never even been there. Kind of like you’ve never been inside a fraternity house.

        8 years ago at 4:14 pm
      3. thevaginator

        Because you live in Georgia and I know your dumbass couldn’t get in anywhere else.

        8 years ago at 4:50 pm
      4. jizzrag69

        It’s a total coincidence that Sigma Nu initiate number 1311 is at Georgia State you fucking dumbass

        8 years ago at 7:15 pm
      5. thevaginator

        You’re the dumbass of you honestly think this is the same person, although considering you go to Georgia State im not surprised

        8 years ago at 10:30 pm
  3. smithpm

    The generation in between is competing here too. My company’s idea for adding gross margin was firing people and making those left behind work more. So between fearing for my job and being stressed by having it, my weekend binge drinking has slid into some weeknights too. Fine time to be alive.

    8 years ago at 1:24 pm