tfm bad commenter of the week

Bad Commenter Of The Week: March 17

tfm bad commenter of the week

Welcome to “Bad Commenter Of The Week,” a weekly series here on TFM wherein I will roast a TFM commenter whom I deem roastworthy for one reason or another — or maybe for no reason at all. Lucky for me, I get to handpick my target. Maybe you’ll agree with my selection, maybe you won’t, maybe it’ll be you. Only time will tell, and I have it on high authority that time’s lips are sealed. Looks like you’ll just have to keep tuning in if you want to see who each week’s massive idiot target is.

Unlike in our series “Commenter Of The Week,” I will not be interviewing the commenter I select because, quite frankly, they don’t deserve that courtesy. If you happen to be the target of my current or future ire, feel free to respond in the comment section, dumbass.

This week’s highlighted bad commenter, BayBro650, is the Robin to last week’s bad commenter thevaginator‘s Batman when it comes to shitposting doomed-to-be-downvoted comments all over the hallowed discussion sections at the bottom of our articles. Which is funny, because, if I’m not mistaken, he and thevaginator hate each other. If any of you have seen the movie Sausage Party (spoilers ahead), I imagine the relationship between BayBro650 and thevaginator to be a lot like that of bagel and lavash: a lot of sexual tension masked in anger that will eventually manifest itself into one beautiful expression of sexual release. Excited for you two!

Let’s take a gander at some of BayBro650’s worst recent comments.

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I’m sure you did, dude.
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haha hey man you know what that’s actually pretty funny well done dude not ba–
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I’m pretty sure, yeah.
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This would’ve been the number 1 comment of 2011.
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Unlike his sensei thevaginator, BayBro650 is actually capable of comments that don’t get downvoted to the earth’s core each time they’re read. His current downvote streak is only at 4, which should make you even more impressed by the sheer magnitude of what thevaginator accomplished with his (kinda me-assisted) downvote streak that’s currently sitting around 450. Remarkable. As hard as you try, BayBro650, you’ll never be that bad.

The weird thing is, I can’t tell whether the fact that you’ll never be as bad as thevaginator makes you happy or sad. What is peak BayBro650 in BayBro650’s eyes? Is it usurping thevaginator and achieving peak troll status, or is it turning the TFM audience’s perception of him completely around and getting them to genuinely love him? What’s his end game? Does he even know? I honestly have no idea, nor do I care, really; it doesn’t matter either way. With how below average BayBro650’s comments are, he’s doomed to mediocrity in our comment section and, I assume, life.

Your comments are bad and you should feel bad, BayBro650. You’re a massive idiot and deserve all the shame that comes your way.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Fratty McFratFrat

    While it’s good to recognize BayBro’s body of work, the worst commenter of the week was easily ass_assaisin.

    8 years ago at 11:22 am
      1. ass_assassin

        To be totally honest, since you called me out, I got carried away yesterday with that whole Alabama racial slur and possible rape thing. I didn’t mean to make the other guy cry, but I am personally very sensitive about rape and don’t tolerate it myself at all. So when somebody even toes that line, I tend to go off like a rocket.

        8 years ago at 12:39 pm
      2. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

        Did you get ass fucked by your uncle as a child or are you one of those pussy white-knight types for no reason?

        8 years ago at 2:18 pm
      3. ass_assassin

        Oh, excuse me, how many women have you raped, pal? Taking a survey. Nothing wrong with being a good person like me.

        8 years ago at 4:06 pm
      4. ass_assassin

        That’s a form of perversion, and you’re worse than a homo. Hopefully you catch AIDS and are exiled!

        8 years ago at 4:31 pm
      5. Fratty McFratFrat

        Uhhh…. I hate it when people say this to me, but… “Chill, dude.”

        8 years ago at 5:51 pm
    1. Broties n Boatshoes

      I hope your box breaks and all your shitty Busch cans roll into a sewer

      8 years ago at 1:00 pm
      1. BuschLattesFTW

        I’ll fucking break your moms box tonight when I fist fuck her and then bash your egg head skull in with a fresh Busch 30.

        8 years ago at 2:26 pm
      2. Broties n Boatshoes

        Jokes on you motherfucker! You’re a box!! You don’t have hands!! Checkmate.

        8 years ago at 2:55 pm
      3. BuschLattesFTW

        Good one. Why don’t you slap on your boatshoes and fetch me a beer shwab

        8 years ago at 4:40 pm
      1. AndrewsMomsAss

        6?! 6?! I was a solid 9.75 before Andrew came along and ruined my figure!

        8 years ago at 5:05 pm
  2. thevaginator

    I sure do own a lot of real estate inside your head Jared. This article might as well been another one about me.

    8 years ago at 2:38 pm
    1. thevaginator-

      The only things about you on the internet are on gay porn sites and your grinder account

      8 years ago at 7:52 pm
      1. Mitch The Godfather Martin

        Why don’t you guys just fuck each other and get it over with.

        8 years ago at 2:22 pm
  3. JimmySwagguns

    Word on the street is Vaginator is trying to turn over a new leaf an made a new account as BayBro650 and is seeing how it plays out…..

    8 years ago at 3:24 pm
    1. Keepin it Fratty

      I’m pretty sure BayBro650 has been around longer than that cuck thevaginator.

      8 years ago at 9:27 am