Bad Legacies: The Rice to Your Fraternity Burrito

There’s nothing in the world quite like rush. It’s the closest fraternity men ever come to acting like sorority girls. Rush is a battle of two opposite yet equal forces: valuable members versus valuable numbers.

After my house leveled the outhouse I joined, our alumni built us a fat new Ritz Carlton from the ground up. It was awesome. We went from a glorified crack house to a hundred man chapter in two years. But when the house is growing that fast it’s like an underprivileged hot chick in an upscale club, the hot chick doesn’t show up to that club to maybe find someone. She HAS to find someone. And she, like a fraternity looking to fill fancy new rooms, might settle when it comes to looks and personality if they’ve got a bit of, you know, money.

Of course this isn’t what the actives want, and certainly not the rush chairmen. But to the alumni that’s all dudes are: money. They don’t care if he’s a badass former athlete who can blow vodka fireballs from his asshole and impregnate 100 Kate Uptons for sport, or a socially disabled dance major who thinks girls are gross. Each one is worth eight grand a semester. No questions asked.

This is the type of bullshit bred by recruitment quotas. Let’s say your alumni tell you that NOTHING LESS than 50 will do. For the most part the rush chairs have free reign, but occasionally the alumni will give them a name. These names usually belong to legacies who are just plain unsociable and awkward. Your rush dinner with them is no doubt the highlight of their week. They go home, fire up World of Warcraft, and tell the whole clan about the cool new guys they met.

“They want me to join their frat! Er–sorry, actually it’s respectful to call it a fraternity. They even paid for dinner! This must be what going on a date is sort of like,” he no doubt croons as raucous hoots and hollers ring in his headphones from fat kids in headsets all around the world.

As he’s pumping his skinny little fists at the thought of having friends (real, tangible, headset-less friends!), you’re on the phone with your clueless alumni advisor, pleading with him to just let this kid float away to a bottom-tier fraternity deserving of this type of desperation bid.

“We CAN’T sign this guy. We can’t. He’s a bit too far left of center.”

“Like he’s a liberal?” your clueless alumni chair asks.

“No, like he’s fucking weird. It wasn’t just that,” you continue, making no attempt to hide the judgment in your voice. “He had no social life and still only managed a 3.1 in high school because he played too many online video games or some shit.”

“Regardless,” he continues, “it doesn’t matter. Get his name on a bid card and on to the next one.”

“We were thinking our rush strategy would be more along the lines of, ‘if we want to keep trending up then we have to rush quality.’ This dude is 100 percent quantity, sir. He’s fried rice in our frat burrito.”

“Chipotle uses rice in their burritos.”

Thank you for completely missing the point asshole.

“Not this much rice, sir.”

“Don’t make me get involved.”

That’s when you cut your losses and say fuck it. The alumni bylaws allow anyone on the board to circumvent the president and go directly to the recruitment chairs when there’s money at stake. As in, their bylaws force you to rush everyone, if they feel like enforcing it. Again, when there’s money to be made, they really feel like enforcing it.

So what happens? Your house goes out and signs that piece of shit because they have to slake the alumni board’s unquenchable thirst for cash. All you can hope is that this kid’s checks fund a new house closet built specifically to lock him in.

As for that new member, you do what any good fraternity would do. Give that little fuck a pledge name indicative of his status (like Dick Shitter or Queef or Rectal Herpes) as an absolute bottom-dweller, then haze the shit out of him until he’s normal or he quits.

    1. Rutherford B_Haze

      $100,000 NF. $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.82 FaF

      13 years ago at 2:37 pm
  1. Frataholic

    As a housing corp officer, I really come on here for a quick laugh now and then. But, let me give you some serious advice right quick….

    You mortgaged your soul to get the house. That’s how it works. Hitting numbers isn’t about adding on a closet to lock some douchy pledge in, it’s about paying for the space and lifestyle you have right now. If you’re taking bad quality to make numbers, that’s cause YOU suck. You think alumni want bad quality in their chapter? They don’t. They probably don’t want you fuckin geeds in their chapter, but it’ll take a while to trade up. If you were as badass as you think you are, then you could sit back and be overwhelmed by so many high quality candidates that you could make numbers without ever dropping standards. Since that’s not the case, you have to work harder throughout the year to attract a big enough pool of quality candidates to make your numbers. If you want to be a lazy piece of shit and wait around to see what shows up at your door then you’re the one that decided to make your chapter shitty, not your alumni.

    Show some fucking respect. They put their personal asses on the line to give you what you have. They didn’t do that because they have good stories about nailing some chick on the couch at alumni weekend, that’s just bonus. They care about the organization in the way you don’t. That legacy, whatever his flaws, is a reflection of the dedication to the org that got you all that you have. If he needs work then fix him. Someone should have done that for you, because so far you still deserve the crack house you left behind.

    13 years ago at 2:19 pm
    1. Brother of Gaw

      Thanks for the fucking novel that no one’s going to read Charles Dickens

      13 years ago at 2:25 pm
    2. Douglas MacArthur

      ^^^^Quality has no limits. ^^^ and ^^ should actually pledge (or graduate high school) and then they might learn the real qualities of a true fraternity and how it operates.

      13 years ago at 3:51 pm
    3. HartyGerinara

      Did you post this comment right before you went to the Onion complaining about how their stories don’t seem entirely factual? It’s Total Frat Move, not Totally Contemporary Issues for the College Gentleman.

      13 years ago at 9:07 pm
    4. Frataholic

      No. I don’t actually read the onion. No idea. Just trying to speak truth to this bottom tier moron of a column. Douche living in a badass house paid for by alumni wants to whine about how he can’t attract enough quality guys but the bills still have to get paid or people in the real world go bankrupt. And he wants to blame alumni instead of his own pathetic ass. He’s like the pussy pledge that hides out and blames everyone else for his mistakes.

      13 years ago at 10:04 am
    5. Et tu, Brute?

      Hey, you, the boner with the misplaced opinions. READ THIS. “Here’s the deal: TotalFratMove/TotalSratMove is a COMEDY website. We are here to make you laugh.”

      Your only POSSIBLE chance at redemption for this pathetic show of standard alumni autofellatio is if you posted this comment as a joke. If you did, then well played sir. You are a satirical genius. Otherwise? Seriously man. Reading this shit when you’re an old guy who still does frat stuff is like playing Dora the Explorer games in your free time because you had a kid once. Try TSM

      13 years ago at 2:27 am
  2. Senator_frat1925

    I wish it were possible to haze the shitty legacies until they are normal… You would think a brother who came before you and went through the same pledge process would be able to raise a son who isn’t a worthless piece of shit.

    13 years ago at 9:18 pm
  3. bureaux on the bayou

    gentleman discuss money behind closed doors. If at all. don’t be that guy

    13 years ago at 1:05 pm
  4. BarryFratwater

    This column is bullshit. Sure some lame legacies make it through. But unless a kid is the alumni chapter president’s son, we just ball him a few weeks in to show the other legacies we mean business.

    Also the trick to not having rush quotas is to have rich ass alumnus that dump money into your house’s upkeep and alcoholism.

    13 years ago at 1:53 am