Pregaming before our formal.

  1. booze haze slam

    skinhead sigeps, haha, a change from the i wanna be a jersey shore look. but like new jersey its the cumsock of america and so is the unbalanced man program. hey become a sigep for only 19.95 if you act now we will throw in a fake tat! suck it sigep with your flea market clip on bow ties!

    14 years ago at 8:07 pm
  2. Haze Balzington

    is it really a good idea to be shotgunning beers this soon after getting chemo?

    14 years ago at 8:38 pm
  3. fratford reserve

    Do you call that the “frat trailer” because it sure as hell is not a frat castle!

    14 years ago at 8:57 pm
    1. Frat McHazington

      Trailer made out of bricks? Nice try though, their house is definitely a piece of shit

      14 years ago at 2:56 pm
  4. Hazing since 1789

    Just to be the guy who analyzes the picture too much, for the skinhead on the left, shouldn’t the beer be in his other hand so he could crack the tab like the guy on the right? That makes me come to the conclusion either there is no beer and it’s staged, or the fact you have a weird way of shotgunning a beer.

    14 years ago at 9:28 pm
    1. Lt Col Fratt Urban

      he could have opened it with his left hand.

      but leave it to a geed of a sigep to button all 3 buttons on his suit.

      14 years ago at 9:38 pm