My dad was president and my mom was sweetheart. They say history repeats itself. TFM.

  1. fratanomics

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but the actual quote is “Those who don’t know history are bound to repeat it” or something along those lines. Yet you proved that you listened to your parents talk about the past, so I’m a little lost as to why this post made it. Trying way too hard.

    13 years ago at 7:04 pm
  2. The Fratdaddy

    Being Beau for 2 years strait and slamming the past and current president. TFM.

    13 years ago at 9:04 pm
  3. Frataholic

    Cool story. Is that your election speech? Or are you just trying to get your girlfriend selected sweetheart cause the last couple ended up getting nailed by rival fraternities and you think you can keep that from happening again if you’re slamming this one nightly?

    13 years ago at 1:10 pm