Baylor Freshman Ran A Usain Bolt Equivalent 100 Meter Time To Win Big 12 Title

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Trayvon Bromell is fast. Really, really fucking fast.

On Monday, the 18-year-old Baylor freshman captured the Big 12’s most prestigious sprinting title in the 100 meters at the outdoor championships in Lubbock, Texas. His winning time of 9.77 seconds was absolutely filthy. Like, Usain Bolt level filthy.

If you freeze-frame when he crosses the line, you can see the enormous margin between him and the 2nd and 3rd place finishers.

The time is the 3rd fastest in NCAA history, but it can’t be considered for the record books because it was “wind-assisted.” For perspective’s sake, though, Usain Bolt is credited with the 9th fastest wind-assisted 100M dash of all-time with the same time that Bromell ran Monday. His time blows the current NCAA record of 9.89 seconds out of the water, and was only the 5th instance recorded all year that was sub ten seconds.

His reaction was exactly what you’d expect.

“Thank you God for making me so damn fast!”

I’ll put money on it right now that this kid will have something special to show the world in the next few summer Olympics, and he’ll look damn good blowing the pack away in the red, white and blue.

[via Deadspin]

Image via Vine

  1. MenSince56OX

    Unfortunately a wind assist can actually impact a time by a decent amount when you’re using automatic timing and measuring to the hundredth of a second. I haven’t looked at what else he’s run this year, but given his lane position in the middle of the track, he was probably the 1 seed for this race. Its possible that he never runs this fast ever again. Its also possible that he’s the next Tyson Gay. Only time will tell.

    10 years ago at 8:23 pm
  2. JackDanielsrunning

    18-25 is generally the age for the best sprinters in the world, it’ll be this kid and Yohan Blake come 2016 with Bolt at a close 3rd.

    10 years ago at 11:03 pm
  3. TotalFratBoob

    Yeah but Bolt doesn’t give a shit at the end of any of his races. Doesn’t need to finish strong.

    10 years ago at 11:25 pm
  4. Phrat kappa tau

    “Usain bolt equivalent” is saying a little much. 9.77 is fast, but comparing that to 9.58 is like comparing Michael Jordan and Lebron. They’re both good, but one is still a whole different level.

    10 years ago at 10:06 am