Presidents Day cake at the dining hall. The only untouched piece had Obama's face on it. TFM.

  1. pearlsandpansies

    That’s a lot of cake for one girl. Maybe a nice jog will run those calories off.

    14 years ago at 10:35 pm
  2. prettyinpink1901

    Okay, I read all these comments and I can’t hold back anymore. I think only half the people commenting actually understand whats going on and the other half are getting overly defensive for no reason. A girl went to the dinning hall, she saw a cut up cake, she had the choice of taking a piece with Obama’s face or the piece with Bush’s face. She obviously took the piece with Bush’s face, leaving the Obama piece “untouched”. She is making a joke that no one wants to eat a piece of cake with Obama’s face on it. This is probably only funny to Republicans so I’m going to assume all the idiots that didn’t understand this must be Democrats.

    14 years ago at 11:25 am
    1. David Fratssellhoff

      Hogs you’re obviously are a gdi welfare baby whom loves obama. Stay up north.NF

      14 years ago at 4:05 pm
  3. Fratservative

    So how did they make a cake that was 1/44 chocolate, sounds like some cake boss shit.

    14 years ago at 4:09 pm