1. TheJesus

    Geedhunter_WSU has 15 cupcakes and decides to eat 12. What does Geedhunter_WSU have left? Diabetes

    10 years ago at 1:51 pm
  2. Power Sloth

    Sometimes I wonder who the 60 people are that like these posts then I remember there needs to be some people out there for Fail Friday

    10 years ago at 3:19 pm
  3. GeebsNotGeeds

    The forums would make a great place to discuss my hatred of fat/unathletic wall posts being posted all the time. Intern, take your sweaty sausage fingers off your 1 in. erection, close out the dude’s buttfuck porn, and bring the forums back. Then call your mother and apologize for your birth.

    10 years ago at 6:52 pm