Belgium’s Prime Minister Fires Shot At Obama With World Cup Beer Bet

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Shots, as they say, have been motherfucking fired. Belgium Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo (great name for a leader of a country), who sports a quaffed comb over in his Twitter avatar that would set your mom’s panties on fire, has proposed a bet to United States President Barry Obama based on the outcome of Tuesday’s soccer match between the U.S. and Belgium.

Here’s the proposed bet, via Twitter:

That “:-)” may seem like friendly banter to the casual observer, but make no mistake about it. That was a calculated move–the move of a smug, confident, asshole leader of a country who thinks he’s got this bet in the bag.

This wouldn’t be the first time Barry accepts such a wager, if he were to do so. He paid his beer debt to Canada after the U.S. hockey team was defeated by our cover band during the Sochi Olympics this year.

Say what you want about the POTUS, but sideshows like this make him fairly likable. I think he accepts.

    1. scoobyfrye

      how the fuck is this hazing? A wager amongst men is not a form of hazing, it’s a form of honor, not that Pikes like you know anything about honor.

      10 years ago at 10:30 pm
  1. texaspride

    It’s one thing to not like Obama, it’s another thing to not support our president on an international scale. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a personal supporter of our president on a political scale, but when it comes down to non politically associated things like these, fuck the rest of the world because I am supporting the land of the free and our jackass of a president. President Obama is representing old glory here and by not taking this bet would be a damn shame. I sincerely hope that Belgian fuck can get a taste of freedom after this game. He might be one of the only non-greek presidents, but I sure hope his silly golfing hack of an ass does something that will make this belgian politician get a taste of freedom after the USA eliminates these belgians.

    10 years ago at 2:08 am
  2. SlayinTS717

    So we strip Belgium’s very little dignity and take there beers when the Team USA wins, this should be the easy decision Obama ever made as President.

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm
  3. Notgivingone

    I certainly don’t want the USA to lose. But if they do, Obama better send a case of Budweiser Ameri’cans’

    10 years ago at 1:33 pm
  4. ItsAllAboutTheSouth

    If we only allow a goal against Germany, we sure as hell can beat Germany’s former bitch.

    10 years ago at 10:00 pm