Blaming "an old football injury" on your subpar love making. TFM.

    1. ScoochMcGooch

      I finally solved it, I think. He prematurely ejaculated while anticipating a tackle, which caused him to fail to embrace for impact, leading to injury. Yes?

      10 years ago at 6:33 pm
  1. Brooks brothers bow tie

    formula for making a TFM: being confindent/over confident in a situation, alcohol, intramurals/blaming an old injury, anything to do with being mean to a pledge, anything to do with golf, sorostitutes, hawaiian shirts/jimmy buffett/the marg life, republicans, america, how awful geeds are, avoiding the cops, the movie/tv show reference and last but not least the “topical news that just barely scrapes by as frat”

    10 years ago at 12:51 am
      1. Brooks brothers bow tie

        since you made you account not even a month ago, you have a try hard pro pic AND you are calling out people for being try hards on tfm you are definitley a high schooler. since you listed your insta on your profile it may be private but your profile pic is enough to prove it. GTFO.

        10 years ago at 12:26 am