I finally solved it, I think. He prematurely ejaculated while anticipating a tackle, which caused him to fail to embrace for impact, leading to injury. Yes?
formula for making a TFM: being confindent/over confident in a situation, alcohol, intramurals/blaming an old injury, anything to do with being mean to a pledge, anything to do with golf, sorostitutes, hawaiian shirts/jimmy buffett/the marg life, republicans, america, how awful geeds are, avoiding the cops, the movie/tv show reference and last but not least the “topical news that just barely scrapes by as frat”
since you made you account not even a month ago, you have a try hard pro pic AND you are calling out people for being try hards on tfm you are definitley a high schooler. since you listed your insta on your profile it may be private but your profile pic is enough to prove it. GTFO.
“Love making.” Da fuq?
10 years ago at 11:14 amYour subpar love making caused an old football injury?
10 years ago at 12:18 pmI finally solved it, I think. He prematurely ejaculated while anticipating a tackle, which caused him to fail to embrace for impact, leading to injury. Yes?
10 years ago at 6:33 pmNo
10 years ago at 8:27 pmIn my defense, I was shit housed drunk when I wrote this.
10 years ago at 8:31 pmThis was overall a very poorly-executed wall post.
10 years ago at 1:20 pmI believe subpar is a good thing.
10 years ago at 7:08 pmformula for making a TFM: being confindent/over confident in a situation, alcohol, intramurals/blaming an old injury, anything to do with being mean to a pledge, anything to do with golf, sorostitutes, hawaiian shirts/jimmy buffett/the marg life, republicans, america, how awful geeds are, avoiding the cops, the movie/tv show reference and last but not least the “topical news that just barely scrapes by as frat”
10 years ago at 12:51 amyour profile pic is the bb sheep…?
10 years ago at 8:20 pmsince you made you account not even a month ago, you have a try hard pro pic AND you are calling out people for being try hards on tfm you are definitley a high schooler. since you listed your insta on your profile it may be private but your profile pic is enough to prove it. GTFO.
10 years ago at 12:26 am