Bobby Bowden, Come On Down

You are now FBS’ all-time leader in wins.

One of the sanctions levied against Penn State this morning was the vacating of wins from 1998 to 2011. After decades of coaching two of the nation’s elite teams, battling neck-and-neck for total win supremacy, Bowden hung ’em up in 2009 while Paterno coached on.

Eleven days after the Freeh Report documented the heartbreaking child-abuse scandal in State College, Pa., Emmert on Monday ordered that Paterno’s 111 wins from 1998-2011 will be vacated.

Paterno finished with 409 wins but now his career record is adjusted to 298 victories.

Bobby Bowden now holds the top spot with 377 victories. Dadgum.

  1. InternationlFratlife

    Congrats Bobby. Not the way I wanted you to win this record, but you deserved it by being a real Head Coach till the end… even if your last season sucked dick.

    12 years ago at 11:09 am
  2. colonial ft soldier

    Bobby’s probably out on is boat the “Bump & Run” dadgumming it up right now.

    12 years ago at 11:14 am
  3. RupertPupkin

    As outlined in a column on here a couple weeks ago, you could hardly even take Paterno serious as a coach anymore. The dude showed up on Saturday, and yeah his name was still above the title head coach, but he hadn’t done shit in about 8 years as far as actual coaching.

    12 years ago at 1:52 pm
    1. Riverboat Gambler

      Same goes for Bowden. The guy was the king of taking naps in his office. He kind of acted as an overseer of the program in his later years. But you do have to give him credit for his recruiting skills. You gotta love Bobby know matter what school you go to. DADGUMMIT!!

      12 years ago at 2:11 pm