Boston College’s Goofy Ass Football Coach Made A Vine To Entice Recruits And It’s Absolute Gold

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College football recruiting has devolved into social media garbage. From stupid hashtags to absurd YouTube videos, 40- and 50-year-old men are trying to lure in 16- and 17-year-old kids by pretending that playing football at their school is cool.

But once in a while, you’ll have a coach who gets it, like Steve Addazio, Boston College’s coach. He looks like your friend’s dad who graduated 20 years ago but still wanders campus at every home game morphed with Hank Schrader.

Addazio’s mediocre football teams haven’t been enough to bring in the big-name recruits, so he went to Vine to try and sell Boston College as a cool place to play football. The game plan? Call his players “dudes” and then look for more dudes. The more you use the word “dude,” the more you’ll resonate with the teens, coach.

It should be noted that he posted them all in one day last summer and then never returned to Vine, possibly after seeing how awful they turned out. We can only pray he returns to using this medium soon.

“Let’s have me magically appear. The kids will love it.”

Coach, can I be a dude?

There isn’t anything better than guys being dudes, coach.

Spicing things up. I like it.

Where do I sign my letter of intent?

[via Vine]

  1. hotFRATsoup

    What you gonna do when the people go home
    And you wanna smoke weed but the reefer’s all gone
    And somebody had the nerve to take the herb up out the doobie ashtray
    Why they do me that way
    What you gonna do when ya friends go home
    And you wanna drink a beer but ya ends all gone
    Somebody had the nerve to take the herb up out my doobie ashtray
    Why they do me that way?

    10 years ago at 2:59 pm
    1. PFC_Wintergreen

      This is the 8th dumb comment out of you in the past 2 days. Simmer down frat soup

      10 years ago at 1:49 pm
  2. GodBlessChikFilA

    You know what my problem is with your fuckin dog and pony act you call the military? Lotsa dudes… where are all the boobies?!

    10 years ago at 1:45 am