boston frat

Boston Is The World’s Most Frat City

boston frat

Although Philadelphia is technically the “City of Brotherly Love,” I have to think otherwise. Boston, Massachusetts is truly the most frat city in the world.

I am certainly not stating that Boston-area schools have the best Greek life; we all know that pretty much any Southern college town trumps Bean Town in that regard. But what the city lacks in fraternity grandeur, it makes up for with its “we’re better than you and we know it” fraternity attitude.

Much like a well-run fraternity chapter, Boston is a utopia of booze-loving Americans who have each other’s backs and don’t give a rat’s ass about what anyone outside their own people has to say. Also similar to fraternity life? Outsiders looking in absolutely hate Boston. They win everything they compete in, party their balls off, and oh-so-pompously *know* that they’re superior to the people that so dearly hate them. Through history and in modern days, the city of Boston has kept their “fuck you” attitude.

Speaking of history, Boston was the first city to tell the English to pound sand. You can thank Boston the next time you put on that “Running The World Since 1776” tank you love so dearly.

The only thing more famous than the city’s history is its professional sports teams. Boston sports are among the most despised in the nation, but their fans could not care less. Remember when your chapter was caught having pledges vandalize your rival’s house while they were all visibly drunk and underaged? You found some loopholes, sent a diplomatic brother to the dean’s office, and BOOM — only a semester-long probation rather than you guys losing your charter. You and the boys thought you ran shit after that; thought you could pull off anything.

Now think of a similar circumstance, only it happened after an AFC Championship win and you were summoned by a U.S. court to testify. Brady and the Patriots pulled one of the oldest tricks in the fraternal book —
bullshitting your way out of anything — and came out practically scot-free despite everyone knowing what really went down. Boston sports are reminiscent of both the seven-time Greek league flag football champions that you hate yet respect and the top tier fraternity whose bold-faced lies have saved their charter too many times to count.

Boston, never change your ways. You know how to live and win better than any other city. Boston as a city is just one big fraternity, and those who hate it the most just wish they’d gotten bids.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Mustard Man

    People only hate Boston cause they live in some boring shit hole with their tiny dicks in their tiny hands with ugly ass girls

    8 years ago at 6:26 pm
    1. thevaginator

      People hate Boston because the weather is awful, the nightlife is trash, and it’s filled with dumbfucks like you who think it’s the greatest city on Earth

      8 years ago at 7:19 pm
      1. realDoubleD

        Shut your ass up bitch boy. i’m gonna kick your ass if I ever see you in person you fucking cunt

        8 years ago at 8:21 pm
      2. thevaginator

        Lol I know you aren’t talking to me small fry. Because id knock you the fuck out

        8 years ago at 11:13 pm
  2. GoodbyeNormalStreet

    Branson, MO is more frat. I’ve never been but my sources tell me this

    8 years ago at 8:34 pm
  3. bneumueller7

    I just wanna state that the Patriots did not get off “scot-free”.. they actually lost a first round pick, which is pretty valuable.

    8 years ago at 9:23 pm
  4. GrizMorning69

    Jesus this comment section looks like the Talladega 500 with all the laps y’all are taking

    8 years ago at 9:47 pm