Breaking Down The Dumbest Demands SJWs Have Made On College Campuses
In 2016, you can’t throw a rock at a small college without hitting a protester. They denounce anything that threatens their fragile, special, snowflake lifestyle. To them, everything is an attack on their heritage and implied liberties. In that vein, let’s see some of their most brazen requests from this spring that The Daily Beast compiled.
Nix English Classes That Only Teach The Works Of Male Poets (Yale)
English Literature majors at Yale (who the fuck gets into Yale just to study English Lit?) are required to take a class on the eight great poets: Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, Shakespeare, John Donne, Milton, Alexander Pope, William Wordsworth and T.S. Eliot. As someone who got a B+ in a gen ed lit course freshman year, I consider myself the authority on poetry, and I can say with conviction that these eight are probably the most influential English poets. Some pissed off feminazis wanted the class to integrate female poets or be scrapped altogether. Save for Emily Dickinson, women didn’t really make their mark on poetry until the likes of Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Bishop came around 60 or 70 years ago. Literature and poetry, like most other arts, was largely dominated by wealthy white guys until the waning half of the 19th century.
Segregated Safe Spaces And Housing (Arizona and NYU)
Some “marginalized students” at Arizona (the lone state school representative here) and NYU called for an overturn of Brown v. Board when they petitioned for race/orientation-specific safe spaces and housing. For example, Arizona’s black students wanted a residence hall for only black students (no mention if white students would be permitted to live there if they identified as black). For the sake of irony, I hope they planned to name it after a Civil Rights Activist.
An End To Cross-Cultural Practices/Food/Symbol
A white kid with dreads was attacked, some Asians bitched about the authenticity of the General Tso’s (oh, the irony), and some people are bound to get pissed off by the sight of a sombrero.
I don’t like when students of different backgrounds take calculus. My people invented it, not yours.
Get Rid Of Grades And Tests For Flunkies
Boosh covered the abolitionist’s cry for no more failing grades a few weeks ago. In a nutshell, students at the epicenter of the PC shitstorm (Oberlin College) didn’t feel as though tests and grades were an accurate metric of learning and aptitude and all grades below a C (i.e. all failing grades) should be thrown out. Moreover, students who were too busy protesting or being triggered to study should be allowed alternative means to demonstrate their understanding of the material. Maybe they could hold a fundraiser or something.
The scary trend here is the swelling of these social justice warriors’ balls. They’ve grown to sizes so large, administrators and professors have a hard time seeing that, by continuing to give these students a platform to bitch and make ridiculous demands, they’re only hurting their school. Students aren’t fighting for real justice anymore; they’re fighting because liberal arts colleges are enablers. These ultra-expensive private schools are run like businesses now and the students are their customers. Administrations cater to the whiniest of students because of the inordinate amount of money they (their parents) spend on their education. Small, and some large, colleges are reluctant to tell these students to shut the fuck up because they’re afraid they’ll be out of a job when these kids either transfer, sue, or leave a mean comment on the college’s Facebook page.
One of two things is bound to happen: Either a counterculture of social ignorance will choke out the cry for social justice and lead us back to the Jim Crow days, or the PC bubble will burst and liberal arts schools will start to go under. Schools like Oberlin and Occidental will see their enrollment and accreditation suffer when employers see a diploma from these schools as unfit to wipe their ass.
Both seem like bold predictions, but this trend towards the total eradication of cultural appropriation and microaggressions has the power to completely destroy smaller, liberal arts colleges..
Image via Shutterstock
You’ll be much happier after you come out of the closet.
9 years ago at 11:00 amShit talking is fun and all but how was this relevant? You’re just using the “First!” + generic shit talk strategy on an article that (as far as content goes) clearly resonates with Greek men. Save this shit for articles about the Bachelorette
9 years ago at 11:07 amYou’re talking to a user who’s from California yet had a rebel flag as his profile picture for years, until just recently, if that doesn’t say enough right there.
9 years ago at 11:11 amMay Brian Hoyer tread upon the graves of your ancestors.
9 years ago at 11:12 amGet some new material you clown
9 years ago at 11:15 amDid Brian Hoyer fuck your girlfriend?
9 years ago at 11:15 amLooks like you derailed the entire comments section away from the issues in which you claim to be concerned and made it about me. Being the main issue, TFM.
9 years ago at 12:07 pmI think this may be the only semi-decent piece you’ve ever written.
9 years ago at 11:08 amOberlin is basically becoming a parody of sensitive left-wingers. Get rid of low grades? Employers (including the NGOs they all aspire to work for) won’t have any interest when they can’t even get a baseline judgment of aptitude anymore.
9 years ago at 11:11 amI see. I attack a loser above and all of the high school kids think I’m wrong now when I’m bashing fucking Oberlin. Bring on the laps you skinny, tryhard fuckers
9 years ago at 11:24 amMore like henry_eighth tells his classmates to come lap you so he’ll already have some TFM cred when he finally gets to college. can’t knock the hustle.
9 years ago at 11:32 amOne day he’ll be the kid that every fraternity has that is addicted to Yik Yak who obnoxiously will ask for your upvotes on his lame post taking low blows at a better house.
9 years ago at 11:37 amSounds like you’re about ready for the adult version of TFM, post grad problems.
9 years ago at 3:06 pm“liberal arts colleges are enablers”. Probably the smartest thing you’ve ever said.
9 years ago at 11:20 amYou’re getting better Kramer, but this is definitely low-hanging fruit. Spend a little time on your articles, rather than posting them as fast as you can shit them out.
9 years ago at 11:32 amAt Eastern Michigan University they asked for a separate homecoming, special financial aid officers for black only scholarships, black studies to be built into every major, and seven other absurd things in a list of demands to admin and held them hostage and called anyone who opposed them racist, not realizing how hypocritical they were being.
9 years ago at 11:37 amThere’s also have a floor in a dorm called “The BrotherHOOD” to “engage and foster a stronger sense of community for men of color at EMU”, the capitalization of ‘hood’ is part of the official name.
9 years ago at 11:43 amYet if white people say they’re from the hood we’re racist. Makes sense.
9 years ago at 12:14 pmI wouldn’t expect anything more from EMU students.
9 years ago at 12:26 pm“America is a melting pot, you need to be more accepting of other people’s cultures!” -Person
“Stop appropriating my culture!” -The same person
9 years ago at 11:55 amI’ll give this article a drunk 8/10
9 years ago at 1:07 pmWhile this is a very insightful article, it does nothing to explain why your profile pic is a character from final fantasy
9 years ago at 2:03 pmTouched on that yesterday
9 years ago at 2:44 pmThought this might be the first article of yours on which you didn’t comment. I was wrong (for once).
9 years ago at 4:41 pmFeel free to forward all further inquiries to
9 years ago at 11:05 pmYou misspelled ‘dick pics.’
9 years ago at 9:23 amColleges who cave these people will start losing students, funding, donations, etc. – eventually they’ll knock it off. I wonder how close Mizzou is to cracking down.
9 years ago at 3:22 pm