Breathalyzer Statistics Show When And Where America Is Getting Drunk (Charts And Maps And Shit)

Americans drink. Americans get drunk. This is common knowledge and certainly not newsworthy. Everyone loves statistics and rankings, though. It’s all about seeing where you stack up against the rest of the country’s drunkards–pride or shame, depending on your stance on drinking.

A San Francisco based company, BACtrack, used their pocket breathalyzers to monitor the drinking habits of 100,000 red-blooded, American drinkers for one year.

From Fast Company:

The data was aggregated from 100,000 unique anonymous users around the globe over a 12-month period, shedding light on how much we drink, when we drink, and which states appear to drink the most.

Average BAC by days of the week:


BAC by holidays:



Drunkest states (by average BAC):


And finally, top 10 drunkest and top (bottom?) 10 soberest cities:


[via Fast Company]