Bury Me In Mugsy Jeans

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Open casket funeral so you can catch a glimpse of my Mugsys and be overcome with crippling jealousy while staring down at my lifeless corpse as I ascend to Heaven’s gates feeling and looking like a million dollars. Mugsy jeans are, bar none, the most comfortable pair of jeans to ever touch these legs. And this ass.

Every once in a while I get a chance to try out a product before I give it the stamp of endorsement approval. Mugsy sent me my second pair a week ago and I’ve worn them every day but one since. The last pair they sent me was the slim fit, so this time I opted for the athletic fit. The athletic fit are designed for stocky guys who like a form fit or slim guys who like a little extra room.

The jeans they sent me are the Fultons. Athletic fit.

Peep the below chart like Will and Dave peeped my ass in the Fultons. That’s me on the top right. I have skinny legs. Everyone knows that about me. This will give you an idea of how these fit my narrow base.


They feel just like you’re wearing actual sweatpants. Actually, maybe even think of them as sweatpants that look like jeans, but very high quality, sexy ones. It’s all in the FLx denim — infused with synthetic silk to make them stretchy and comfortable.

Mugsy jeans cost three times more to manufacture than their less comfortable competition and they still sell for under $100. This is cheaper than any high quality pair of jeans on the market. Wear the best jeans available for just a little more than the shitty ones you’re wearing now.

I know my word is gold to you guys, but here’s a testimonial from another customer (Kevin M from Chicago):

“Rocked my athletic Mugsys to work in the New York office, and obviously got tons of compliments. Wore them out that night, slept in them, and flew home Saturday morning–basically lived in them for a long weekend and did everything you can think of in them, short of rock climbing (and that’s only because we didn’t go rock climbing).”

Stop being an idiot, stop dressing like trash, and get a pair of the last jeans you’ll ever want to wear. Use discount code TFM for 15% off this week.

Shop Mugsy Jeans now.