Caitlyn Jenner Allegedly Selected For Arthur Ashe Award Over A Disabled Iraq Veteran

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The ESPYs are terrible. It is a nauseating pat-me-on-the-back-for-my-diving-catch award show where celebrities and athletes meet for one long night of #sponsored, #branding entertainment in Los Angeles. That being said, the ESPYs usually do one thing right: The Arthur Ashe Courage Award.

Previous winners include Muhammad Ali, Stuart Scott, Jim Valvano, Robin Roberts, Nelson Mandela and Michael Sam. Scott, who gave an inspiring speech at last year’s ESPY awards, died of cancer in January.

So, when ESPN announced on Monday that Caitlyn Jenner would be selected as the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, it deservedly turned some heads, especially when people learned who Jenner beat out for the award.

Noah Galloway, who lost an arm and a leg in roadside bomb in Iraq and now competes in Crossfit events nationwide, is rumored to have been the selection before Jenner was hand-picked by ESPN’s ratings-driven executives.

Other names mentioned for the award include TNT court-side reporter Craig Sager, who is currently battling leukemia, former Bills quarterback Jim Kelly, a cancer survivor, and Lauren Hill, the Division III basketball player with a terminal brain tumor who played in one game in November before passing away in April.

It appears ESPN went for a ratings grab with reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner, and that’s a real shame. While she no doubt has courage and is the celebrity face of the under-represented transgender community, her achievements don’t hold a candle to those of Noah Galloway and Lauren Hill.

The ESPYs will have at least one less viewer this year.

Image via Twitter

  1. JD the Risk Manager

    Too bad it’s not true and instead don’t Twitter, stir-the-pot horse shit propagated by retards. I’m not saying I would support it if it were true by any means but this is not a fucking gossip column.

    10 years ago at 11:21 pm
  2. TokenSportsGuys

    As a sports fan of both past and present, Bruce Jenner was Lebron, Arnold, and captain America all in one during the Cold War. Russia had beaten everyone, including us, in basketball, the 100 meter, and the decathlon in 1972. Bruce helped reclaim American dominance on the world stage of the Olympics during a time where every moral national victory counted.

    I’m not saying I warrant the decision of a sex change for the Ashe award, but don’t compare this guy to a reality star because you haven’t done the research. This guy was considered an American hero before our parents hit their college years.

    10 years ago at 11:49 pm
  3. RedPill

    Roger became Dillon,
    Bacon became Rob,
    Jack Hammer became Dan,
    Boulevard became Harrison,
    and now Bruce becomes Caitlyn.
    I’m confused.

    10 years ago at 11:53 pm
  4. Abe_Froman

    Using your military might to steal a weaker country’s natural resources. TImperialismM.

    10 years ago at 11:59 pm
  5. Flightman36

    If Bruce Jenner can be a woman then I’m a fucking wolf on all levels including physical bitch. #FuckTheEspys

    10 years ago at 1:20 am
  6. GoodbyeNormalStreet

    I think Lauren Hill deserved to win the award, although not to say that the veteran wasn’t any bit as deserving

    10 years ago at 1:49 am
  7. ImNotAnAlcoholic

    IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM…Bruce Gender or Caitlyn Jenner are “AMERICAN HEROES.” I have known too many people who have died saving this country and not even have a fraction of the publicity this “very important event” has gotten. I honestly don’t know what has become of America… CAN WE PLEASE GET A DAMN REPUBLICAN IN OFFICE ASAP!

    10 years ago at 2:24 am
  8. GeorgeBushLight

    Hate how in today’s society you are not only expected to tolerate things such as this, but also outwardly support it

    10 years ago at 4:29 am
  9. johnnyblueballs69

    I think maybe Bruce legitimately wishes he was a woman, he’s already insanely rich and I can’t comprehend someone of his fame going through all this trouble just for a little more attention. That said he will always be Bruce to me and I will never recognize sex change as legitimate when you still have a Y chromosome. Fuck libs.

    10 years ago at 7:32 am