Cal Football Player Kicks Dog At SAE Party Before Breaking Fraternity Brother’s Jaw


For those of you unaware of basic social protocol, you don’t mess with a man’s dog. “Man’s best friend” isn’t just a cliché title, it’s a fact of life. Most of the time, anyway. Hell, I like my dog more than I like most of you turds.

During a recent fundraiser at UC Berkley’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter house, Cal football player Damariay Drew found himself in a bit of a pickle after kicking an SAE’s dog. After Drew kicked the dog, the fraternity brother responded as any man not named Michael Vick would and got pissed the fuck off. In the exchange that followed, Drew warned that he was going to harm the SAE brother with the always so eloquent phrase, “I’m going to fuck you up.” Drew is a man of his word and proceeded to punch the brother in the face three times, shattering his jaw. The injuries were so extensive, the victim will most likely need reconstructive surgery.

While what led up to the scuffle is unclear, Drew claims the 20-pound Jack Russell terrier mix bit him before he annihilated the dude’s face.

Drew’s attorney is almost equally as eloquent. In a statement he gave the usual “he’s a good guy” line. From The Daily Californian:

”(Drew) is a good kid, working hard to get where he is. A guy doesn’t just walk into a frat house, kick a dog and punch somebody out. You can imagine there was some provocation involved.”

Drew was arrested last Thursday and was released after posted $100,000 bail on Saturday. He has also been suspended from the Cal football team indefinitely.

Unless he’s mauling you, don’t kick a man’s dog, bro.

Kicking dogs. NF.

[via The Daily Californian]

  1. Dick_Nixon

    One of the questions here is how the hell was the guy able to post a $100,000 bail?

    10 years ago at 2:32 pm
      1. Cockmeatsandwich

        And you can put up your house as collateral, which is probably what he did for a bond that much

        10 years ago at 4:24 pm
  2. ZeteNJ

    I guess it’s a good thing for that asshole that people don’t carry in Berkeley. If a dude kicked my dog I’d absolutely lose any sense of perspective or self control.

    10 years ago at 2:41 pm
  3. Pussypunter

    Just cause cal is garbage don’t mean u can kick a little dog, this fucker just dove head first into shit creek

    10 years ago at 3:02 pm
  4. John_W_Fratweiser

    This is why you don’t invite the FB team to the house. What a fuckhead.

    10 years ago at 3:02 pm
  5. GApeachinpearls

    I looked up the guy on facebook who got his jaw broken, and 5 out of his 10 facebook profile pictures had his dog in them with him. Safe to say that his dog was his best friend. That football player is a dumbass and a jerk.

    10 years ago at 3:05 pm
    1. Oh Gorman

      I did too. He seems like an okay dude and he definitely loves that dog. Fuck the cal player hope he goes to jail.

      10 years ago at 3:22 pm
  6. gamefrock

    “You can imagine some provocation was involved” Ohhhhhh you mean you’re gonna implicitly play the race card? Alright, cool.

    10 years ago at 3:39 pm
  7. PhrattinHard_PDT

    Kid’s a terrible football player and probably has zero marketable skills. He’s going nowhere in life so even if he serves no jail time at least we know he’s gonna end up broke.

    10 years ago at 4:22 pm