California High School Holds NFL-Style Draft For Prom Dates

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Juniors and seniors at Corona del Mar High School in California are running their own draft this week. Though it isn’t an NFL draft complete with million dollar contracts, it does have incredibly important consequences–namely, who the guys at this school will take to prom. High school is an incredibly awkward time. Remember when you asked out that hot blonde on the cheerleading squad, only to find out some dude on the lacrosse team beat you to the punch? That’s a tough blow to recover from. That’s why these kids are trying to take the sting out of prom date rejection by simply making it an event where the pick order is random and they can trade up if they want a hotter date. Genius.

According to the Daily Pilot article, the girls generally stick to the results, though there were a few upset picks. One guy even dropped $140 to move up to a top tier pick who he had apparently never talked to. Bold move, kid. We’ll see how that pans out for you on game day. I’m betting it won’t end with an awkward handy, though, because the girl “thought it was awkward” that this guy dropped cash to move up and pick her. Now she knows how Manziel will feel if he gets drafted by the Browns.

Remember kids, have fun at prom, and if Mel Kiper tries to cover next year’s draft, politely refuse. He’ll just give terrible commentary and suggest the obvious fifth round pick, marching band Tuba player Shannon, should go first overall because she’s a “going to get hot in college” sleeper pick.

[via Daily Pilot]

Image via ABC News

  1. RisingFratstarOfTX

    Well turns out Johnny, goin to Cleveland. WG is starting to sound like less of a writer, more of a prophet.

    10 years ago at 9:47 pm