Canada Absolutely Destroys Kuwait In Football 91-0

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I’ll admit it. My fraternity brothers and I have suffered some embarrassing defeats on the intramural fields. There was the semifinal flag football game of 2009, every softball game in 2012, and this past season’s basketball championship, where my boy Joey Buckets didn’t show up. Not literally, but he was so smashed, he thought we were playing indoor soccer. Needless to say, I’ve been on the shit end of the proverbial stick here and there.

Fortunately, I’ve never suffered the kind of defeat Canada slapped on Kuwait’s U19 football squad yesterday in the International Federation of American Football tournament. The Canucks showed no mercy, and the biblical beat down’s final tally was 91-0.

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To add a little perspective, the United States only narrowed out a feisty Mexico squad 49-14. Honestly, that’s a little disappointing for us. Step your game up, kids.

The stat line for Kuwait’s quarterback resembled that of an average day for Blaine Gabbert: seven completions on 22 attempts and an outstanding four total passing yards. Maybe the 49ers will trade for this kid if he keeps putting up such gaudy numbers.

Even more impressive, Kuwait had merely one turnover the entire game. Small victories, gentlemen.

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Kuwait still has two more games left in group play against powerhouses France and Austria. They have some serious work to do if they want to dig themselves out of that -91 point differential.

[via Deadspin]

Images via RedditCFB and instagram

  1. TheTalentedMrFratley

    Of course we draw the fucking group of death with Japan, Germany and Mexico…

    10 years ago at 12:40 pm
  2. Frat Kirk Ferentz

    In Kuwait’s defense they got the whole we are marshall thing going for them, after most of the team was killed by a suicide bomber

    10 years ago at 12:51 pm
  3. Frat Kirk Ferentz

    The Kuwait players had a hard time seeing the ball as their rags got in the way

    10 years ago at 12:52 pm