Canadian University Throws Massive Block Party To Prove They Rage Their Canadian Dicks Off

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Canada: our neighbors to the north. Outside of stereotypes, I’ll admit that I don’t have a firm grasp on the culture of the maple leaved mounties. Too often, I find myself bombarding TFM’s Canadian correspondent Sweatshirtt with questions about life on the other side. 

“Do you realize you have the accent orrr…?”

“What fucking accent, buddy?”

So when I heard some Canadian kids were getting buck wild in the streets for a homecoming celebration, guess who was the first person I checked with?

“Yo, Sweatshirtt, do these kids from Dalhousie University really get weird like this article says?

“Good ole Dalhousie, eh? Oh yeah, buddy.”

From CTV News Atlantic:

After a university homecoming street party that ended in chaos, 30 people are facing charges with various offences under the Liquor Control Act and By-Law Violations.

An estimated 2,000 students flooded onto Jennings Street in Halifax at the height of the party around 12 p.m. on Saturday.

Sirens blared through the city’s South end as some students stood on the roofs of houses and others yelled profanities at authorities.

“This whole street was covered in students, super loud,” said area-resident, Erin Hopkins. “I live around the corner and it was nuts.”

Hold the presses. We got kids using profanity, drinking alcohol, AND being loud. To reiterate, I don’t know shit about Canadian laws, but that’s got to be a triple felony. Talk about sending it! These kids had Halifax police losing their minds, forcing them to send in back up to stop the madness.

“All units, we got kids in the streets WITH alcohol. Move, move, move! Gallop as fast as you can, I repeat GALLOP.”

The party was promoted on social media as a campaign to regain Dalhousie University’s partying status after the school slipped from the 10th spot to the 16th for ‘best universities to party at.’

I respect the shit out of this move. My Facebook notifications are flooded with events like Stephanie’s 21st or Erica’s Rocking Halloween, each with 100 or so on the guest list. Can you imagine getting one for an impromptu block party that accumulates up to 2,000 people gallivanting in the streets? That’s fucking hype.

These students don’t deserve to be arrested. They should be getting praised. They saw a demotion in their ranking, and in the spirit of homecoming fought to defend their honor. That’s teamwork… that’s school spirit… that’s the type of shit that college is all about. I tip my cap and officially recognize Canada as an ally in the party game. Much respect, you syrup chugging motherfuckers. Much respect.

[via CTV News Atlantic]

  1. TheyDroveDixieDown

    Throwing a massive illegal block party to protest your demotion on the party school list is definitely a power move.

    7 years ago at 2:14 pm
  2. SootheSayChi

    Best quote from the news about this :

    One man described his confrontation with two female students doing cocaine in his driveway during the daytime ruckus.
    “They just said, ‘Chill out, man,’” he said. “I said, ‘I am really chill considering what you’re doing in front of my children.’”

    7 years ago at 7:29 am
    1. Dent

      If you haven’t seen the video of him describing it, it’s a must watch. I debated posting it, but unfortunately none of the other neighbors could step up with any new comments that would make it following up on.

      7 years ago at 2:37 am