Cardinals Assign Shelby Miller To Bullpen, Promptly Hazed By Bullpen Members

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The St. Louis Cardinals recently assigned Shelby Miller to the bullpen in order to give him a little rest from the rigors of starting. Being a member of the bullpen is a fun time, so it was no surprise that the Cards bullpen required Miller to earn their trust and respect by making him to do a trust fall.

While this falls on the softer (read: lamer) side of hazing in sports, it’s good to see a second-year player like Miller take it in stride and do it anyway. It’s too bad that they caught him, though, because fuck the Cards.

[via Bleacher Report]

Image via YouTube

  1. Lake Superior

    But the Cards are the classiest team in baseball, how could you possibly hate them?

    10 years ago at 5:34 pm
  2. Meat Spin

    Well if you are still around in October we will see you there…so fuck you too.
    The Cardinals

    10 years ago at 6:56 pm
  3. PledgeTrainerRedForman

    My pledges would expect me to catch them on a trust fall, if they were a complete dumbass.

    10 years ago at 7:28 pm