Seeing that your pong partner is playing with someone else is worse than your girlfriend cheating on you. TFM.

    1. UncleTomsFratcastle

      ….where do you people come up with these things? In no way, shape, or form is that related to fraternity life whatsoever. I’m sorry that you’re a try-hard TKE who spends his spare time (which is all the time) saying things are “frat” or “not frat” despite the fact they aren’t affiliated with Greek life at all. The rest of the guys on this website, along with myself, will continue to use our time to get drunk and fuck shit up like real people in real fraternities. Goodbye, and a big ol’ fuck you.

      13 years ago at 8:55 pm
    2. UncleTomsFratcastle

      Except pretty much everyone can agree that beer pong is for High School kids, and is indeed, not frat. Also, thank you Hasselhoss.

      13 years ago at 9:48 pm
  1. Floyd Hazeweather

    Seeing Sandusky with your pong partner instead of you feels worse than him cheating with anybody else. TPennsylvaniaM.

    13 years ago at 8:43 pm
    1. Jerry Fratdusky

      Me making your girlfriend give me a Thai ping-pong show while you play pong with your partner. RFM

      13 years ago at 12:44 pm
  2. Frattamoushazenstein

    Motion that this can be acceptable if said partners new partner is a potential slam.

    13 years ago at 8:44 pm
  3. Brotus

    Finally, a realistic TFM that isn’t something generic relating to golf, wealth, and/or patriotism.

    13 years ago at 9:35 pm
    1. SonyFratstation

      ^^Exactly what’s wrong with golf, wealth, and/or patriotism? Oh yeah, nothing. Fuck you.

      13 years ago at 12:15 am
    2. Brotus

      ^^^Did I say they’re wrong? Absolutely not. I was simply saying that they’re overused on this website, and fake/unrealistic most of the time. Now, go back to playing PlayStation, geed.

      13 years ago at 12:01 pm