Showed up to a party wearing Polo. Some GDI asked me "are you going to church tomorrow or something?" I replied, "No, I dress up for church." TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
As the sun starts to creep into your eyes you touch your head to see if you remembered to wear your shades. Fuck -- they aren't there. Immediately you realize you're a fucking idiot -- obviously they're hanging around your neck on your Croakies. TFM Fratdaddy15 years ago
I melt frisbies as a hobby, taking away a typical Friday afternoon from a GDI. TFM Anonymous15 years ago
Just smashed with one of the girls who moved in next door this morning. Met them by hitting their moving van with a Pro V1. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
The only time I wear sneakers is on the tennis court at the country club. Fuck GDI's. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago