"Pledges: If you're on time you're late and if you're late you're fucked." -TFM fratmosphere15 years ago
We play poop dollar and watch the GDI's pick up a dollar with poop on it, how poor are you that you even bother to pick up a dollar? TFM. Brotato15 years ago
Accidentally took an ambien instead of a xanax last night at the rush party. Instead of whining and going to sleep like a GDI I popped three more and tripped nuts. TFM Anonymous15 years ago
My summer job consists of me mowing my parents 14 acre estate, I have called in sick everyday so far... TFM Anonymous15 years ago
I pretend I'm a hippy at Ghostland concerts then go back to being succesful on Monday. TFM. Jay Fratliff15 years ago