50' Viking, 25 miles off Block Island. Cooler of red and whites, fishing, blow, Marb reds, and Blood on the Tracks. Happy Wednesday worker bees. TFM Anonymous15 years ago
I was sitting in class the other day and heard gorilla grunts and looked to discover a 'roided out ass jockey wearing Ed Hardy talking to his stripper girlfriend, a prime example of who doesn't make it to graduation. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
"I didn't know I could swat a bounce and no one ever told me not to stack cups"-GDI. TFM. Brolo Cup15 years ago
Went on and voted "not chill" on every post on mylifeisbro.com because nothing those GDI faggots do should make its way to the internet. TFM. fratnation15 years ago
Sitting in the Greek reserved section of home football games while pledges steal liquor from GDI tailgates. TFM. Brolo Cup15 years ago